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When you are about to start your degree project

Find out what happens when you are about to start your degree project, how supervision and study plans work, whether you should write a thesis yourself or with another student, and who you can contact for more information.

Before you start your degree project

Before the start of the degree project, you will have access to a course website in Canvas where there is more detailed information about doing a degree project.

Supervisor and study plan

At the start of the course, you will be assigned a supervisor. Together, you and your supervisor will draw up a timetable, or study plan, for when you should complete the various activities included in the degree project course.

Writing individually or in pairs

You will be assessed individually on the thesis you have completed, but depending on the subject and academic level of your thesis, you may be able or are required to write it individually or with a fellow student. Here is what applies to the different subject areas.

Business administration

The thesis is written in pairs.


The thesis is written individually, but at Bachelor's level, it can be written in pairs in exceptional cases.


The Bachelor's thesis is written in pairs. The Master's thesis is written individually.

Writing on behalf of an external party

Writing a degree project on behalf of a company or organisation gives you the opportunity to solve a "real-life" problem, while gaining valuable practical experience and contacts for your future working life. However, it may involve some additional work for you, because you need to meet the requirements of both the University and the client.

Thesis manual for degree project in business administration

Business administration has a thesis manual with further practical and formal information, and advice on referencing.

Download the thesis manual for business administration


Here is who to contact in the different subject areas if you want to know more about writing a thesis.

Business administration

Virginie Fernandez / Elin Nilsson



Alexander Pettersson / André Gyllenram (leave of abscence)



Maria Karlsson / Lina Schelin

Latest update: 2025-03-04