Name: Helin Bäckman Kartal
Studies: Peace and Conflict Studies
Why did you want to do an MFS?
Quite simply, because I am curious. I am curious about what is happening in other contexts and what you can learn by being in a different environment. I think you can learn a lot from getting away from your comfort zone at home. I get so much more out of going and seeing for myself than I would be able to gain from just reading. Seeing with your own eyes gives so many impressions and insights that reading alone cannot provide.
What are some of your takeaways from this experience?
Greater insight into a context that was really different from the environment in which I grew up. It is exciting to be thrown into something new where the social structure is so different. For example, where religion has a greater importance than I am used to and where teachers and students have a different relationship. Staying in a country both before, during and after a political election is very informative, to say the least, if you are interested in understanding what issues are relevant and how.
What were the main challenges?
Getting around was difficult without my own car. Public transport worked a little differently than at home, so without knowledge of the local geography and languages, it was difficult to get around without a companion. Even though most people knew English, it would have been helpful to have known a few phrases in Zulu.
Do you have any practical tips for other students thinking about doing an MFS?
Once you know you are going to do an MFS, do not plan too much in detail in advance of leaving. Of course, I cannot comment on what it is like in every conceivable country where you can do an MFS, so my thoughts and suggestions are very much aimed at a country like South Africa. I initially planned to book interviews before I left Sweden, which I quickly learned would not work. Interviews were booked the day before or the same day, and that was simply how it worked. Go in with the mindset of needing to be flexible and have back up plans. For example, I focused on doing as many interviews as possible as soon as possible, and transcribed them one by one while waiting for the next interview, email response, or whatever it was that took time. With a computer, charger and headphones in your bag, you can transcribe virtually anywhere, I promise.