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Exchange studies in Europe

Umeå University has exchange agreements with many universities in Europe. Most of them are within the Erasmus+ programme, which includes a scholarship for your exchange. There are different lengths of the exchanges, ranging from five days to an academic year. The most common is that you study for a semester.

Dorna Farahi utbytesstudent Spanien

Image: Dorna Farahi

Which countries and universities can you go to?

Exchange places offered by your department or faculty

If you want to go on an exchange within Europe, you should first contact your international contact person or study counsellor to see if your faculty or department offers exchange places there. The most common is that the places can be found within the Erasmus+ exchange programme. Places can also be found within the Nordplus exchange programme (Nordic and Baltic countries). 

Information about what opportunities are available to you can also be found further down on this page, if your department or faculty has posted such information. You can also find information in Solemove about which universities there are agreements with.

Exchange places that all students at Umeå University can apply for

If your department or faculty does not offer any places to the country or university in Europe you are interested in, or if you want to study courses outside your main field of study, you can check if there is an exchange opportunity via a university-wide agreement. 

University-wide exchange places in Europe (outside the Nordics) are available in:

  • France – Université de Caen Normandie (Erasmus+)
  • Italy – University of Siena (Erasmus+)
  • North Macedonia – Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje (Erasmus+)
  • Switzerland – University of Friborg (Erasmus+)
  • Spain – Universidad de Valladolid (Erasmus+)
  • Great Britain – Keele University (NOTE! No Erasmus scholarship due to Brexit) and universities via the University of the Arctic (North2north)
  • Czech Republic – University of Pardubice (Erasmus+)
  • Germany – Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (Erasmus+) 

More information is available in Solemove. 

Note that there may also be places in the Nordic countries to apply for. You will find more information about these on this website: Exchange studies in the Nordic countries

Find exchange places in Solemove

Solemove is Umeå University's database for exchange agreements, where you can find all partner universities where there is a potential exchange place.   

Follow these instructions:

  • Go to Solemove.
  • Select "Advanced search".
  • Under "Your home unit", select your department or faculty to view its agreements. Select "Umeå University" to see the university-wide places.
  • Under "Exchange program", select Erasmus+ or Nordplus. Click "Search".

How long can you be away? 

Erasmus+: normally within the EU

If you go on an Erasmus+ exchange, you study full-time at a university in another European country, for a period of 2–12 months. You can get a scholarship within Erasmus+ for a total of 12 months at the respective bachelor's, master's and doctoral level.

Nordplus: The Nordics and the Baltics

Within Nordplus, you can study in another Nordic or Baltic country for a period of 1–12 months. If you can only study abroad for a shorter period, it is possible to go on a shorter exchange, from five working days up to a month, through so-called express mobility.

North2north: regions around the arctic circle, etc.

The exchange programme North2north is a network within the University of the Arctic. Through the exchange programme, you can go to partner universities that are also part of the network for one semester. Which universities you could apply to can vary from year to year.


Opportunities for scholarship and travel allowance

If you get an exchange place in Europe, you can apply for a scholarship and travel grant for your exchange studies. This applies regardless of whether you received a subject-specific exchange place via your faculty or department or a university-wide exchange place. It is also possible to get extra scholarships if you have a disability and/or have children.

Read more about scholarships via Erasmus+, Nordplus and north2north.

When should you apply?

Exchange places via your department – often January to March

The application deadline for exchange studies within Erasmus+ or Nordplus is often sometime in January–March, but it varies between departments. 

Information about which dates apply to you can be found further down on this page, if your department or faculty has posted such. You can also contact your international contact person or study counsellor to find out when the application opens and closes.

University-wide places

Exchange places via north2north: between 15 December and 15 January for the upcoming academic year.

All locations within Europe except exchange places via North2north: between 1 February and 1 March for the upcoming academic year.

Remember to prepare your application in good time!

What is required to apply?

Conditions you need to meet in order to get an exchange place

You can read more about the conditions applicable to those who apply for an exchange via the university-wide agreements on the following page:

Application and eligibility for exchange studies

There may also be information about what applies to you who apply for exchange studies via your department or faculty's agreement. You can also contact your international contact person or study counsellor to find out what conditions apply.

Apply for an exchange place

Always apply in Solemove!

Read more about how to apply for exchange studies.


Latest update: 2025-02-07

Two people in silhuette.

International contact persons

For questions about exchange studies or internships abroad.

Checklist symbols and people with speech bubble with symbols such as question mark, road signs, calendar and information.

Frequently asked questions about exchange studies

Answers to some frequently asked questions about exchange studies.