Study leave for internships
Many master's students take internships between the first and second years of their education. Since internships are not part of the advanced-level curriculum at UID, students must formally apply for a leave of absence. This leave may affect scholarships, tuition fee payments, and visa or study permits. If you plan to take an internship that requires pausing your studies, please discuss this with your programme director as soon as possible and familiarise yourself with the relevant rules regarding scholarships, visas, etc.
If you are enrolled in one of UID’s programmes and wish to take a leave of absence (for internships or other reasons), you need to apply for an approved leave from studies.
When leaving for an internship
- Clear your desk and storage units in the student studio.
- Empty your workshop locker, as it cannot be used for general storage while you are away. Locked lockers will be opened and emptied.
- If you need to store project or study-related materials (e.g., models), speak with house technician Anders Hellström well in advance to arrange storage for one (1) box. Label the box with your name and class in block letters.
- Consult IT support about your personal folder on the server to prevent accidental deletion during the general summer server cleaning. Additionally, back up your files.
- Check your DOLF account and pay any outstanding bills.
- Keep the school informed about your future study plans within the given deadlines. Notify your programme director or the study administrator of your plans well in advance.