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Local qualification descriptors

For each degree, universities and other higher education institutions may specify more detailed degree requirements over and above to those governed by the Swedish Higher Education Ordinance. At Umeå University, these detailed degree requirements are stated in the local qualification descriptors.

The local qualification descriptors are written in Swedish. You will find them by switching this web page into its Swedish version.

If you need help reading a local qualification descriptor or need guidance in planning your studies, please contact a study counsellor at the Student Services Office or the programme study counsellor at your department or study programme.

Need help with your degree application?

Two speech bubbles on top of each other with a question mark.

Frequently asked questions about degrees

Find the most common questions and answers about degrees.

One person is writing on a whiteboard whilst another is watching.

Study guidance

A study counsellor can help you with many of your study-related questions.

Latest update: 2024-08-29

Two women with a balloon are celebrating their degree by the Campus Pond.

Apply for your degree

Find out what you need to do when it is time to apply for your degree.

Blurry people sitting in a classroom listening to a lecture.

Degree requirements and main fields of study

Generel degree requirements and main fields at Umeå University.

Person with a bright yellow shirt sitting on a sofa typing on a laptop.

Transfer of credits

Information about transfer of credits and how your application will be processed.