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Approved leave from, non-completion of, or parallel studies

If you want to be admitted to more than 45 credits at Umeå University in the selection, you can apply for parallel studies. If you want to take a break to resume your studies later, you need to apply for an approved leave from studies. If you want to interrupt your studies, you need to notify us of non-completion of studies.

Approved leave from studies , or non-completion of, studies

Apply for approved leave from studies

If you have been admitted to studies and wish to take a break in your studies with the aim of resuming them at another time, you can apply for an approved leave from studies. You must have specific reasons to be able to get an approved leave from studies granted. Therefore, it is important that you specify your reasons when applying.

Once granted an approved leave from studies, this means that you are guaranteed a place to the course or study programme for a specified term if you sign up for the resumption of studies in due time.

Application for approved leave from studies

Submit the application to your department or the person responsible for the course or study programme.

The University has rules on approved leave from studies. Read Regulation for first- and second-cycle study administration

Notify non-completion of studies if you interrupt your studies

If you are registered on a course or study programme and want to interrupt these studies, you can notify non-completion of studies.

By notifying non-completion of studies, you lose your place on the course or programme in question. After that, you are no longer guaranteed a place if you wish to resume your studies on that particular course or study programme at a later time. By notifying non-completion of studies, you may also give another person the possibility to be offered a place on the course or programme.

Interrupting studies on a freestanding course 
If you want to interrupt your studies after you have been registered on a course, you do this in Ladok by logging in using your UMU ID. You are not obliged to also notify the department that you are interrupting your studies, but they would appreciate it if you let them know.

If you prefer to report your interruption on a course via a form instead of doing it yourself in Ladok, you can use the form below. Submit the form to your department.

Log into ladok to notify non-completion of studies

Notification for non-completion of studies

Interrupting studies on a study programme
If you wish to interrupt studies on a programme course, but not on the programme itself, you need to notify the department of your interruption by submitting the form Notification for non-completion of studies.

If your interruption of studies concerns the entire programme you are registered on, please notify your department by submitting the form Notification for non-completion of studies.

Notification for non-completion of studies

Rules regarding non-completion of studies
The University has rules on non-completion of studies. Read Regulation for first- and second-cycle study administration. The rules contain instructions on how to notify non-completion of studies that applied before it was possible for you to do so yourself in Ladok. Follow the instructions on this page to get it right.

Parallel studies

Apply for parallel studies

If you want to be admitted to more than 45 credits at Umeå University in the selection, you can apply for parallel studies.

You need to have completed at least 60 credits and only have applied for studies at Umeå University in the current semester to be eligible for being granted parallel studies.

Application for parallel studies

Upload your applications for parallel studies on or after you have applied for the courses, but no later than the deadline for supporting documents.


Latest update: 2025-03-03

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Study guidance

A study counsellor can help you with many of your study-related questions.

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Studying and parenthood

Tips if you have a child or are pregnant and also wish to study.

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If you would like to appeal a decision

Certain decisions can be appealed, for instance degree, credit transfer or leave from studies decisions.