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Infocenter is here to help

Umeå University has close to 50 departments, over 4,000 employees and 30,000 students. This means that things can work differently within different parts of the University. Instead of spending your time and energy on trying to understand the organisation, we have gathered knowledge and guidance in one place – Infocenter.

Internationella Studenter

Image: Simon Jönsson

Find Infocenter

Infocenter is found in the Universum Building in the middle of Campus Umeå. Find Infocenter on the map

At Infocenter, you can collect your UMU card, get help with your UMU ID, or with finding your way on campus. Infocenter can answer most questions, and if we do not have an answer right away, we know where and how you can get it.

In our premises, you will also find:

Opening hours

Reception i Universum

Open Monday to Friday from 8:30–16:00 (regular weekdays)
Find Infocenter on the map

Phone hours
Open Monday to Friday from 8:30–16:00 (regular weekdays)
Phone number: +46 90-786 50 00

Send a message

Use the contact form on this page to send us a message.

Send a message to Infocenter

Use the form to send a question, or a message, to Infocenter.

Contact form

The University is a public authority. Messages that you submit here are stored in accordance with Swedish law. Read more at about how we process personal data.

The University is a public authority. Messages that you submit here are stored in accordance with Swedish law. Read more at about how we process personal data.

Latest update: 2025-02-10

Two smiling students sitting at an outdoor table on campus.

Welcome to new students

There are some things you need to prepare before your studies start.

A heart with two hands stretching towards each other.

Find your welcome letter

All you need to know about the start of your course or programme.

Symbols of various means of communication.

Frequently asked questions

FAQ about admission, selection results, accommodation and user account.