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Equal opportunities

Within Umeå University, we use "equal opportunities" as a term for the work to counter discrimination and work for everyone's equal rights and opportunities. This page introduces you to the University's responsibilities, policies and ambitions, and how the equal opportunities work is organised.

Grupp med människor som lagt sina händer på varandra

Image: Ida Åberg

Umeå University is to be a workplace and study environment characterised by job satisfaction, security, development, participation, trust and respect for the equal value of all people. We work together to ensure that equality, equity and diversity permeate everything we do. There is zero tolerance towards discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and victimisation, in everyday language known as "bullying".

This is how we work for equal opportunities

The University's work with equality issues is strategic, long-term and ongoing. This means, among other things, that we work with active measures to prevent discrimination and promote equal rights and opportunities, regardless of gender, gender identity or gender expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation or age, as prescribed by the Discrimination Act. The University, as an education provider, must work with active measures in the areas of admission and student recruitment, examination and assessments, study environment, teaching methods and organisation of education and possibilities to combine studies with parenthood.

The University must contribute to gender equality

The Swedish Government has assigned all universities with the task to implement gender mainstreaming in their organisations. Each higher education institution must base their work on an institution-specific plan that in turn is based on needs for development, describes objectives and activities that the University intends to perform, and outlines in which way gender equality is to be integrated into the University’s processes and activities. In order to strengthen the University's work with gender equality, we have drawn up an action plan for gender mainstreaming for 2022–2025.

Gender mainstreaming strategy for 2022–2025

How you can contribute, or get support

As a student, you have a responsibility to treat other students and teachers with respect and to act in such a way that you contribute to building a safe and open-minded study environment. If you experience that you or someone else is being discriminated due to, for example, gender, ethnic affiliation or other grounds, please contact the head of the department ("prefekt" in Swedish) where you study.

Find contact details on the Contact us page

The University's work environment and equal opportunities organisation

In order to achieve the Vision for Umeå University and Policy for work environment and equal opportunities and to support the Vice-Chancellor, deans, heads of department and managers in the responsibility of conducting work environment and equal opportunities work at Umeå University, there is a work environment and equal opportunities committee at university-wide level and two coordination groups, one for a sustainable study life and one for a sustainable working life.

There are also work environment and equal opportunities coordinators on university-wide level to provide additional support, as well as management support for work environment and equal opportunities at the faculties and departments. One of the work environment and equal opportunities coordinators works specifically on issues related to students' health and safety and equal opportunities in studies.

If you want to know more, you can read the rule on the University's organisation for work environment and equal opportunities.

Rule – Organisation of the work environment and equal opportunities

Latest update: 2025-01-27

Learn more about

Two people are whispering behind the back of a third person.

Harassment, sexual harassment and bullying

Get help if you feel unsafe or if you are abused when studying.

Illustration of document with a seal and a book.

Equal opportunities and work environment

Access all the University's policy documents on work environment and equal opportunities

A blue book containing Swedish legislation.

Discrimination Act

The Discrimination Act regulates the University's equal opportunities work.