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Contact the Student Health Service

Do you need support or counselling? From the Student Health Service, you can get individual counselling, listen to lectures and participate in group sessions. All services are free of charge, we have a duty of confidentiality and are an LGBTI-certified organisation. You can choose to meet us on campus, over the phone or via a video call. Find out how to get in touch with us here.

Group picture of staff at Studenthälsan.

Image: Mattias Pettersson

Give us a call

For brief counselling or to book a counselling session.

Temporary opening hours

Our phone line will be closed on Wednesday the 5th and Friday the 7th of March. Our drop in is open as normal.

Please note! If you need medical advice when the Student Health Service is closed, we refer you to phone +46 771-11 77 00 (or 1177) for healtcare advice around the clock.

Telephone hours:
Monday to Friday at 12.00 - 13.00.
Phone number: 090-786 51 00

Visit our drop-in

Do you have questions about your or someone else's wellbeing? Come and see us for a brief counselling sessions. If necessary, we will help you book a longer counselling session.

Do you have questions about your physical health? See our nurse for counselling. Get tested for chlamydia, gonorrhoea and HIV for free.

Opening hours for drop-in:
Mondays: 12:00–13:30
Wednesdays: 08:30–10:00

You will find the Student Health Service drop-in in the Infocenter waiting room in Universum on Campus Umeå, beyond the large reception desk. Take a ticket and wait for your turn.

Find the Infocenter waiting room (

When you have a scheduled appointment

Please note that scheduled in-person appointments take place in the Social Sciences Building. More information before your appointment, how to find the right location, the link to your online appointment, or how to cancel a counselling session, can be found on the page If you have a scheduled appointment.

Frequently asked questions

What support can I get if I study remotely?

You have access to support regardless of where you study, in Umeå or remotely. We can hold our counselling sessions via phone or online meeting. I certain cases, you can get an in-person appointment in another location through our collaborative partners. Phone us during our phone hours to learn more.

What is a counselling session?

During a counselling session, you can talk to us about how you feel. It could be questions or challenges about anything from your health, to relationships, your lifestyle or anything else that affects your life as a student. No question is too small or too big. The waiting time to get an appointment is usually one to two weeks. You can receive one to five counselling sessions depending on your needs. You can choose between in-person counselling on campus or remote counselling via phone or as an online meeting. Your first counselling session is 60 minutes long, and follow-up sessions vary between 45 and 60 minutes. Our counsellors are professional psychologists, counsellors, physiotherapists and nurses with special training. We all have a duty of professional secrecy and all our support is free of charge.

How do I cancel my counselling session?

Read more about cancellation on the page If you have a scheduled appointment.

Latest update: 2025-02-28

Find more information

A woman sat in a lecture hall with a phone in her hand.

If you have a scheduled appointment

How to find the way to your scheduled appointment or cancel it.

Two heads overlapping with a pink heart in the middle.

Tips for your well-being

Optimise your health to benefit both your studies and spare time.

Eight staff members from the Student Health Service in a row indoors.

About the Student Health Service

The Student Health Service can help you achieve a sustainable study life.