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IT support

This webpage is for students at Umeå University in need of IT support. Before contacting us via the servicedesk form, please check the Manual website if there is a manual for your problem or question.

You must use MFA

Umeå University is increasing security to reduce the risk of unauthorised access to your information or account.

Students need to have activated MFA (multi-factor authentication) to log into various systems, such as Canvas and the student web.

Here is a guide on how to activate MFA.

If you need assistance or have questions about MFA, please contact ITS Servicedesk through the form below.

Find system information and self-help guides

An open instruction book.

Self-help in Manual

Before you contact Servicedesk, you can search for instructions and help on the University's website Manual.

Blue thumb print on a black background.

Change or get new password

Have you forgotten your password or need to change you current one? Please use our password tool.

Two speech bubbles with a question mark.

System information

Does your problem have anything to do with a planned or ongoing operational disruptions? Swedish only.

Opening hours at the ITS Servicedesk

We answer your questions on weekdays from 8:30 to 16:00.

You can contact us through the Servicedesk contact form, call us, or come to drop-in at Infocenter in the Universum Building. Find the IT drop-in on the map

Phone: +46 90-786 63 00.

Contact ITS Servicedesk

Latest update: 2025-01-21

Blue thumb print on a black background.


Your UMU ID is your user account. Read about activation, MFA and password.

A hand holds a card to a card reader.

UMU card

The UMU card is an access, library and printing card.

Hand browsing on a tablet.

Software and services

You have access to software and tools to help your studies.