If something happens
We want you to feel safe at the University. If something happens that makes you worried, if you hurt yourself or if you experience a breach, we are here to help you.
Security and campus security officers
The University's security number is +46 90 786 76 00.
Fire safety
If the fire alarm sounds, it is important that you know what to do.
Hate crime, threats and violence
There is support available if you have experienced threats, hatred or violence.
Burglary, theft and sabotage
Report any theft, sabotage or burglary to the Police and learn what to do.
Injury, near miss and risk observation
Report injuries, near misses and risk observations to the University.
Harassment, sexual harassment and bullying
Get help if you feel unsafe or if you are abused when studying.
Personal data breach
Have you noticed that personal data has been lost or got into the wrong hands?
IT security breach
You need to report attacks or breaches to your UMU ID account or computer.
Awareness of terrorism
Even if it is unlikely, it is good to be prepared for a potential attack.