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Programme council

Most degree programmes offered at Umeå University have a programme council. The council works to improve the quality of the programme and includes at least one student representative from your degree programme.

Programme council’s role and assignments

The tasks of the programme council can vary, but the overall role is to work to improve the quality of the programme. This could involve reviewing the programme courses to ensure they are relevant to the skills required by a student who has completed the programme.

The council is usually the first body where changes to the programme are discussed. Therefore, participation in the programme council provides the best opportunity to influence your programme.

Composition of the programme council

The programme council consists of representatives with varying perspectives on the programme:

  • programme coordinator (chairperson);
  • student(s) on the programme;
  • teaching staff.

The council can also contain an external member who represents, for instance, an organisation where students on the programme could seek employment after completed studies.

Student representation

The student representative normally holds their position in the council for one year, and is appointed by the student union relevant to the programme in question.

Quality assurance procedures for single-subject programmes may sometimes be processed in the relevant department’s education committee instead of through a specific programme council. One-year master’s programmes could be an example of such. Education committees also include student representatives.

Latest update: 2025-01-08

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Eight people sat at a table formation facing each other in a conference room.

Student representation

Students have the right to be represented when decisions are made.

Two speech bubbles with a question mark.

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