Book a room or premises
Log into the booking system using your UMU ID
Please note that your total bookings cannot exceed 24 hours over a five-day period.
Always confirm your booking
Remember that you need to confirm your booking to keep it. This applies to bookings:
- You can book a room for a minimum of one hour and a maximum of three hours.
- All bookings start on the hour.
- You must confirm your booking. This can be done no sooner than 30 minutes before and no later than 15 minutes after the start of the booked slot.
- If you do not confirm your booking on time, your booking will automatically be removed and become available for others to book.
- Log into TimeEdit to view and confirm your bookings on the page “My groups study room bookings”.
- Use the QR code available outside every bookable room to access the confirmation page.
Other ways to teamwork
Zoom for digital meetings
As an alternative to a physical meeting, Zoom is a great tool for you to meet and collaborate with your classmates. Zoom is available to everyone who has an UMU ID, which is also used to log in. Students can both participate in and host a meeting. The student who sets up the meeting must share the meeting ID with the other participants and also becomes host of the meeting.
Teams for collaboration
Microsoft Teams allows you to gather all parts of your group work in the same platform. All group members can co-edit in the same documents, store your files in one place and communicate in the chat or via a team, or through a video call.