Create an account and log in
Log into Zoom by following these steps:
- Go to
- Choose "Sign in with SSO" and login with your UMU ID.
Download and install Zoom on Windows
Download and install Zoom on Mac OS
Join a meeting
Click the link you received in the invitation. The invitation should also state who is hosting the meeting and time of the meeting.
If it is your first time joining a Zoom meeting, see the instructions for logging in under the headline "Create an account and log in" above.
Set up a new meeting
You can set up an instant meeting, a scheduled meeting or a recurring meeting both via the Zoom software you have downloaded onto your computer or by logging into Go to "My account" and "Meetings".
If you sign in with your UMU ID, you can host meetings that are longer than 40 minutes.
Invite participants
You can invite participants via a link or directly from your Zoom room. The meeting link can be sent, for instance, by email or be published in a learning platform.
Learn to navigate a Zoom meeting
Once you have joined a Zoom meeting you can adjust your audio and video settings, chat, share files and links, share your screen, etc.
Audio and video settings for a Zoom meeting
Sending files through the chat
Record my meeting and publish the recording
You can record a meeting, save it to your computer and upload it to your learning platform via UMU Play. Please remember to inform the other meeting participants that you will be recording and how you intend to use the recording.
Manage my participants
As a host (which is most often the person who set up the meeting) or a co-host, you have access to more controls than regular participants. You can, for instance, give someone the right to speak if they raise their hand.
Create groups (so-called breakout rooms)
You can divide your participants into groups during an ongoing meeting, for instance for discussions in beehives, so-called breakout rooms.
Creating and managing "breakout rooms"
Show a whiteboard
You can share a whiteboard using "Share screen” in order to draw or sketch something together with your participants.
Using the whiteboard to make notes
Create interactivity through a poll
Zoom has a built-in polling feature. If you cannot find this in your meeting, you may need to activate the function under ”Meeting settings”.
Creating polls for my Zoom meetings