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May/Jun 2024

  • Sunday, 26 May 2024

    Nothing is scheduled today.

  • Monday, 27 May 2024

    Nothing is scheduled today.

  • Tuesday, 28 May 2024
    08:00 to 13:00

    Examensarbete inom biomedicinsk laboratorievetenskap, 15 hp

    Event type Examination Room, location NAT.D.380
    NAT.D.370 - A Learning Lab
    Teacher: Urban Hellman
  • Wednesday, 29 May 2024
    08:00 to 13:00

    Scientific Report within Biomedical Laboratory Science

    Event type Other Room, location 6M L0 Atrium betula
    Teacher: Urban Hellman
    Content: Redovisning exmensarbeten
    08:00 to 13:00

    Examensarbete inom biomedicinsk laboratorievetenskap, 15 hp

    Event type Other Room, location 6M L0 Cella betula - Seminarierummet
    Teacher: Urban Hellman
    Content: Redovisning exmensarbeten
  • Thursday, 30 May 2024

    Nothing is scheduled today.

  • Friday, 31 May 2024

    Nothing is scheduled today.

  • Saturday, 01 June 2024

    Nothing is scheduled today.

Week 22 Sunday, 26 May 2024
Monday, 27 May 2024
Tuesday, 28 May 2024
08:00 to 13:00

Examensarbete inom biomedicinsk laboratorievetenskap, 15 hp

Event type Examination Room, location NAT.D.380, NAT.D.370 - A Learning Lab
Teacher: Urban Hellman
Wednesday, 29 May 2024
08:00 to 13:00

Scientific Report within Biomedical Laboratory Science

Event type Other Room, location 6M L0 Atrium betula
Teacher: Urban Hellman
Content: Redovisning exmensarbeten
08:00 to 13:00

Examensarbete inom biomedicinsk laboratorievetenskap, 15 hp

Event type Other Room, location 6M L0 Cella betula - Seminarierummet
Teacher: Urban Hellman
Content: Redovisning exmensarbeten
Thursday, 30 May 2024
Friday, 31 May 2024
Saturday, 01 June 2024