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January 2025

  • Sunday, 19 January 2025

    Nothing is scheduled today.

  • Monday, 20 January 2025
    09:00 to 09:30

    Molecular Genetics, 15 hp

    Event type Mandatory, Roll-call/Introduction Room, location 6K Thymine
    6L Uracil
    Teacher: Changchun Chen
    Content: Schedule may be subject to change Course Leader: Changchun Chen, changchun.chen@umu.se Introduction to the course We do not demand a specific text book for this course, but recommend Clark, D. P., (2012) “Molecular Biology” 2nd edition, Hartwell, L.H et al. (2015): "Genetics, from genes to genomes", 5th edition used on the previous course or an equivalent text book would also provide support for this course.
    09:30 to 14:00

    Molecular Genetics, 15 hp

    Event type Lecture, Mandatory, Task Room, location 6K Thymine
    6L Uracil
    Teacher: Vicky Shingler, Lars Nilsson, Changchun Chen, Katarina Vielfort
    Content: Lecture 1: Genetic nomenclature, mutations and their isolation and selection (VS) and Problem-solving class 1 (PSC 1) (CC, LN, KV) Mandatory
  • Tuesday, 21 January 2025
    09:00 to 11:00

    Molecular Genetics, 15 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location 6K Thymine
    6L Uracil
    Teacher: Anders Byström
    Content: Lecture 2: “The concept of suppression” and PSC 2 - Mandatory (AB)
    12:00 to 14:00

    Molecular Genetics, 15 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location 6K Thymine
    6L Uracil
    Teacher: Vicky Shingler
    Content: Lecture 3: Prokaryotic gene structure and regulation: the use of transcription versus translational fusions (VS) and PSC 3 (questions only)
  • Wednesday, 22 January 2025
    09:00 to 11:00

    Molecular Genetics, 15 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location 6K Thymine
    6L Uracil
    Teacher: Vicky Shingler
    Content: Lecture 4: From restriction enzymes to simple cloning (VS) and PSC 4 (questions only)
  • Thursday, 23 January 2025
    09:00 to 12:00

    Molecular Genetics, 15 hp

    Event type Lecture Room, location 6K Thymine
    6L Uracil
    Teacher: Changchun Chen
    Content: Lecture 5: Gibson Assembly (CC).
    13:00 to 17:00

    Molecular Genetics, 15 hp

    Event type Mandatory, Task Room, location 6K Thymine
    6L Uracil
    Teacher: Devi Prasad, Iryna Yakovenko
    Content: Exercise 1: Analysis of DNA and protein sequences - Mandatory
    23:45 to 00:00

    Molecular Genetics, 15 hp

    Event type Deadline
    Content: 23:59 Deadline: Mandatory answers to Exercise 1 (up-load on Canvas)
  • Friday, 24 January 2025
    09:00 to 11:00

    Molecular Genetics, 15 hp

    Event type Mandatory, Laboratory session Room, location 6K Thymine
    6L Uracil
    Teacher: Lars Nilsson, Katarina Vielfort
    Content: Wet lab information (lab safety etc) (LN, KV) Experiment 1 – Vector sequence and Primer designing (LN, KV) - Mandatory
  • Saturday, 25 January 2025

    Nothing is scheduled today.

Week 4 Sunday, 19 January 2025
Monday, 20 January 2025
09:00 to 09:30

Molecular Genetics, 15 hp

Event type Mandatory, Roll-call/Introduction Room, location 6K Thymine, 6L Uracil
Teacher: Changchun Chen
Content: Schedule may be subject to change Course Leader: Changchun Chen, changchun.chen@umu.se Introduction to the course We do not demand a specific text book for this course, but recommend Clark, D. P., (2012) “Molecular Biology” 2nd edition, Hartwell, L.H et al. (2015): "Genetics, from genes to genomes", 5th edition used on the previous course or an equivalent text book would also provide support for this course.
09:30 to 14:00

Molecular Genetics, 15 hp

Event type Lecture, Mandatory, Task Room, location 6K Thymine, 6L Uracil
Teacher: Vicky Shingler, Lars Nilsson, Changchun Chen, Katarina Vielfort
Content: Lecture 1: Genetic nomenclature, mutations and their isolation and selection (VS) and Problem-solving class 1 (PSC 1) (CC, LN, KV) Mandatory
Tuesday, 21 January 2025
09:00 to 11:00

Molecular Genetics, 15 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location 6K Thymine, 6L Uracil
Teacher: Anders Byström
Content: Lecture 2: “The concept of suppression” and PSC 2 - Mandatory (AB)
12:00 to 14:00

Molecular Genetics, 15 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location 6K Thymine, 6L Uracil
Teacher: Vicky Shingler
Content: Lecture 3: Prokaryotic gene structure and regulation: the use of transcription versus translational fusions (VS) and PSC 3 (questions only)
Wednesday, 22 January 2025
09:00 to 11:00

Molecular Genetics, 15 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location 6K Thymine, 6L Uracil
Teacher: Vicky Shingler
Content: Lecture 4: From restriction enzymes to simple cloning (VS) and PSC 4 (questions only)
Thursday, 23 January 2025
09:00 to 12:00

Molecular Genetics, 15 hp

Event type Lecture Room, location 6K Thymine, 6L Uracil
Teacher: Changchun Chen
Content: Lecture 5: Gibson Assembly (CC).
13:00 to 17:00

Molecular Genetics, 15 hp

Event type Mandatory, Task Room, location 6K Thymine, 6L Uracil
Teacher: Devi Prasad, Iryna Yakovenko
Content: Exercise 1: Analysis of DNA and protein sequences - Mandatory
23:45 to 00:00

Molecular Genetics, 15 hp

Event type Deadline
Content: 23:59 Deadline: Mandatory answers to Exercise 1 (up-load on Canvas)
Friday, 24 January 2025
09:00 to 11:00

Molecular Genetics, 15 hp

Event type Mandatory, Laboratory session Room, location 6K Thymine, 6L Uracil
Teacher: Lars Nilsson, Katarina Vielfort
Content: Wet lab information (lab safety etc) (LN, KV) Experiment 1 – Vector sequence and Primer designing (LN, KV) - Mandatory
Saturday, 25 January 2025