Content: Schedule may be subject to change
Course Leader: Changchun Chen,
Introduction to the course
We do not demand a specific text book for this course, but recommend Clark, D. P., (2012) “Molecular Biology” 2nd edition, Hartwell, L.H et al. (2015): "Genetics, from genes to genomes", 5th edition used on the previous course or an equivalent text book would also provide support for this course.
Content: Schedule may be subject to change
Course Leader: Changchun Chen,
Introduction to the course
We do not demand a specific text book for this course, but recommend Clark, D. P., (2012) “Molecular Biology” 2nd edition, Hartwell, L.H et al. (2015): "Genetics, from genes to genomes", 5th edition used on the previous course or an equivalent text book would also provide support for this course.