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Therese Eskilsson

Universitetslektor och docent i fysioterapi.

Förenad anställning vid Stressrehabiliteringen, Region Västerbotten.

Prefekt vid samhällsmedicin och rehabilitering


Vetenskaplig meritering: Docent
Pedagogisk meritering: Meriterad lärare



Verksam som

Universitetslektor med förenad klinisk anställning vid Institutionen för samhällsmedicin och rehabilitering Enhet: Fysioterapi Roll: Prefekt
International Journal of Workplace Health Management
Sondell, Anna; Widar, Linda; Stigmar, Kjerstin; et al.
BMC Psychology, BioMed Central (BMC) 2024, Vol. 12, (1)
Aronsson, Ingela; Neely, Anna Stigsdotter; Boraxbekk, Carl-Johan; et al.
BMC Psychiatry, BioMed Central (BMC) 2024, Vol. 24, (1)
Eskilsson, Therese; Olsson, David; Ekbäck, Anna-Maria; et al.
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health
Wahlström, Viktoria; Öhrn, Maria; Harder, Mette; et al.
16th conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology. 'Contributions of OHP to Social Justice': book of proceedings
Widar, Linda; Pettersson-Strömbäck, Anita; Sondell, Anna; et al.
Global Health Action, Taylor & Francis 2023, Vol. 16, (1)
Andersdotter Sandström, Anna; Fjellman-Wiklund, Anncristine; Sandlund, Marlene; et al.
Stress, Taylor & Francis 2023, Vol. 26, (1)
Nelson, Andreas; Malmberg Gavelin, Hanna; Andersson, Micael; et al.
BMC Psychiatry, BioMed Central (BMC) 2022, Vol. 22, (1)
Norström, Fredrik; Slunga Järvholm, Lisbeth; Eskilsson, Therese
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, Taylor & Francis 2022, Vol. 38, (13) : 2316-2329
Stenberg, Gunilla; Fjellman-Wiklund, Anncristine; Strömbäck, Maria; et al.
Journal of occupational rehabilitation, Springer 2021, Vol. 31, (2) : 263-274
Eskilsson, Therese; Norlund, Sofia; Lehti, Arja; et al.
BMC Psychology, BioMed Central 2021, Vol. 9, (1)
Nelson, Andreas; Malmberg Gavelin, Hanna; Boraxbekk, Carl-Johan; et al.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, John Wiley & Sons 2020, Vol. 61, (3) : 361-368
Eskilsson, Therese; Fjellman-Wiklund, Anncristine; Ek Malmer, Elin; et al.
NeuroImage: Clinical, Elsevier 2020, Vol. 27
Malmberg Gavelin, Hanna; Stigsdotter Neely, Anna; Dunås, Tora; et al.
PLOS ONE, Public Library of Science 2020, Vol. 15, (7)
Strömbäck, Maria; Fjellman-Wiklund, Anncristine; Keisu, Sara; et al.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, MDPI 2020, Vol. 17, (1)
Wahlström, Viktoria; Fjellman-Wiklund, Anncristine; Harder, Mette; et al.
Umeå: Umeå universitet 2019
Eskilsson, Therese; Fjellman-Wiklund, Anncristine; Stålnacke, Britt-Marie; et al.
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, Nordic Association of Occupational Safety and Health (NOROSH) 2019, Vol. 45, (5) : 493-504
Wahlström, Viktoria; Bergman, Frida; Öhberg, Fredrik; et al.
Stress, Taylor & Francis 2018, Vol. 21, (4) : 279-291
Malmberg Gavelin, Hanna; Eskilsson, Therese; Boraxbekk, Carl-Johan; et al.
Journal of Physical Activity and Health, Human Kinetics 2018, Vol. 15, (10) : S62-S62
Wahlström, Viktoria; Bergman, Frida; Öhberg, Fredrik; et al.
Umeå: Umeå universitet 2017
Eskilsson, Therese; Lehti, Arja; Sturesson, Marine; et al.
BMC Psychiatry, BioMed Central 2017, Vol. 17, (1)
Eskilsson, Therese; Slunga Järvholm, Lisbeth; Malmberg Gavelin, Hanna; et al.
Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, Clare: Elsevier 2017, Vol. 269 : 17-25
Malmberg Gavelin, Hanna; Stigsdotter Neely, Anna; Andersson, Micael; et al.
Stress, Taylor & Francis Group 2015, Vol. 18, (5) : 578-588
Malmberg Gavelin, Hanna; Boraxbekk, Carl-Johan; Stenlund, Therese; et al.
International Convention of Psychological Science, Amsterdam
Malmberg Gavelin, Hanna; Boraxbekk, Carl-Johan; Stenlund, Therese; et al.
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, Elsevier 2015, Vol. 14, (3) : 607-614
Sonntag-Öström, Elisabet; Stenlund, Therese; Nordin, Maria; et al.
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, Vol. 14, (3) : 607-14
Sonntag-Öström, Elisabet; Stenlund, Therese; Nordin, Maria; et al.
Behaviour Research and Therapy, Elsevier 2014, Vol. 53 : 30-40
Kuckertz, Jennie M.; Gildebrant, Elena; Liliequist, Björn; et al.
Journal of occupational rehabilitation, Springer 2013, Vol. 23, (2) : 270-279
Norlund, Sofia; Fjellman-Wiklund, Anncristine; Nordin, Maria; et al.
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, Vol. 44, (8) : 684-690
Stenlund, Therese; Nordin, Maria; Slunga Järvholm, Lisbeth
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, Vol. 42, (5) : 475-481
Fjellman-Wiklund, Anncristine; Stenlund, Therese; Steinholtz, Katarina; et al.
International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, Vol. 16, (3) : 294-303
Stenlund, Therese; Ahlgren, Christina; Lindahl, Bernt; et al.
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, Vol. 41, (9) : 761-767
Stenlund, Therese; Birgander, Lisbeth Slunga; Lindahl, Bernt; et al.
Ahlgren, Christina; Stenlund, Therese; Steinholtz, K; et al.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, Vol. 35, (5) : 516-523
Stenlund, Therese; Ahlgren, Christina; Lindahl, Bernt; et al.
Stenlund, Therese; Slunga Birgander, L; Lindahl, B; et al.
European journal of cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation, Vol. 12, (1) : 5-11
Stenlund, Therese; Lindström, Britta; Granlund, Marie; et al.
Ledsen eller deprimerad man sitter utomhus med huvudet i händerna.
Första boken om utmattningssyndrom

Umeåforskare medförfattare till bok om ökat samhällsproblem.

Modell för återgång till arbetet gav Innovationspris

I osedvanligt hård konkurrens har Therese Eskilsson enhälligt utsetts till mottagare av priset.

AD-A för dig som chef

Syftet med metodstödet Arbetsplatsdialog för arbetsgivare, AD-A, är att vid tidiga tecken på ohälsa eller neds...