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Personalbild Peter Bergström

Peter Bergström

Jag är universitetslektor i pedagogik och docent i pedagogiskt arbete. Mitt forskningsintresse ligger inom området lärande och IKT.

Vetenskaplig meritering: Docent
Pedagogisk meritering: Excellent lärare



Verksam vid

Universitetslektor vid Pedagogiska institutionen Roll: Studierektor
Hus Y, Beteendevetarhuset Umeå universitet, Mediagränd 14, Beteendevetarhuset, 901 87 Umeå
: Symposium "The learning environment works: Linking the educational network to the material world" for conference EAPRIL 2024, 25-28 November 2024
Bergström, Peter; Lindfors, Maria; Wiklund Engblom, Annika
Education and Information Technologies: Official Journal of the IFIP technical committee on Education
Elm, Amelie; Bergström, Peter; Pettersson, Daniel
Education and Information Technologies: Official Journal of the IFIP technical committee on Education
Gustafsson, Ulrika; Olofsson, Anders D.; Bergström, Peter
Creating dynamic places for learning: an evidence based design approach, Springer Nature 2023 : 99-115
Bergström, Peter; Rönnlund, Maria; Tieva, Åse
ECER 2023: Programme
Bergström, Peter; Wiklund-Engblom, Annika; Lindfors, Maria
NERA (Nordic Educational Research Association) Conference 2023 "Digitalization and Technologies: Opportunities and Challenges", Oslo, Norway, March 15-17, 2023
Hansson, Johan; Bergström, Peter
Koulutus ja tutkimus yhteiskunnassa – yhteiskunta koulutuksessa ja tutkimuksessa: abstraktit/abstracts, Vasa: FERA; Åbo Akademi 2023 : 158-158
Wiklund-Engblom, Annika; Bergström, Peter; Lindfors, Maria
Computers and education, Elsevier 2022, Vol. 178
Bergström, Peter; Wiklund-Engblom, Annika
Education Inquiry, Routledge 2021, Vol. 12, (4) : 347-364
Meyer, Bente; Bergström, Peter; Wiklund-Engblom, Annika
Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice, Taylor & Francis 2021, Vol. 27, (7) : 587-601
Rönnlund, Maria; Bergström, Peter; Tieva, Åse
IADIS International Conference Educational Technologies 2020, IADIS Press 2020 : 57-64
Bergström, Peter; Rönnlund, Maria; Tieva, Åse
ECER 2019 - European Conference on Educational Research, Hamburg, Germany, 3-6 September, 2019: Education in an Era of Risk: the Role of Educational Research for the Future
Bagger, Anette; Bergström, Peter
Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, Universitetsforlaget 2019, Vol. 14, (3-4) : 117-133
Bergström, Peter
Fjärde nationella konferensen i pedagogiskt arbete: Abstractbok
Bergström, Peter
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, Taylor & Francis 2019, Vol. 63, (1) : 38-52
Bergström, Peter; Mårell-Olsson, Eva; Jahnke, Isa
Fjärde nationella konferensen i pedagogiskt arbete i Umeå 19-20 augusti 2019: Abstractbok
Bergström, Peter; Rönnlund, Maria; Tieva, Åse
Emergent practices and material conditions in learning and teaching with technologies, Springer 2019 : 89-105
Mårell-Olsson, Eva; Bergström, Peter; Jahnke, Isa
NERA 2019: Education in a globalized world: Abstract book : 953-954
Rönnlund, Maria; Bergström, Peter; Tieva, Åse
ECER 2019 - European Conference on Educational Research, Hamburg, Germany 3-6 September, 2019: Education in an Era of Risk: the Role of Educational Research for the Future
Rönnlund, Maria; Bergström, Peter; Tieva, Åse
Transitions 19 Presentations
Rönnlund, Maria; Bergström, Peter; Tieva, Åse
Resultatdialog 2019, Göteborg, 3-4 december, 2019
Rönnlund, Maria; Bergström, Peter; Tieva, Åse
Nurse Education in Practice, Elsevier 2018, Vol. 28 : 196-201
Bergström, Peter; Lindh, Viveca
Seminar.net: Media, technology and lifelong learning, Vol. 14, (2) : 160-173
Bergström, Peter; Mårell-Olsson, Eva
ECER 2018: Inclusion and Exclusion, Resources for Educational Research?
Bergström, Peter; Wiklund-Engblom, Annika
The 6th Swedish Workshop on Data Science (SweDS18) - Posters
Mårell-Olsson, Eva; Bergström, Peter
Seminar.net: Media, technology and lifelong learning, Vol. 14, (2) : 174-187
Mårell-Olsson, Eva; Bergström, Peter
ECER 2018: Inclusion and Exclusion, Resources for Educational Research?
Wiklund-Engblom, Annika; Bergström, Peter
Learning and education: material conditions and consequences
Bergström, Peter
Learning and education: material conditions and consequences : NERA 2017 abstracs
Bergström, Peter; Mårell-Olsson, Eva
Computers and education, Vol. 113 : 1-15
Jahnke, Isa; Bergström, Peter; Mårell-Olsson, Eva; et al.
Learning and education: material conditions and consequences
Mårell-Olsson, Eva; Bergström, Peter; Jahnke, Isa
Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers
Bergström, Peter; Häll, Lars; Kuuskorpi, Marko; et al.
Opetuksen digitalisaatio, uudet oppimisympäristöt ja uusi pedagogiikka, Kaarina: Kaarinan kaupunki 2016 : 56-63
Bergström, Peter; Häll, Lars. O
Professional development and workplace learning: concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications, IGI Global 2015 : 427-443
Bergström, Peter
DDD2015 - Digital Didactical Designs, Conference, 3-4 June 2015, Umeå University, Sweden
Bergström, Peter; Mårell-Olsson, Eva
The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Budapest, 7-11 September 2015
Bergström, Peter; Mårell-Olsson, Eva; Jahnke, Isa
11th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), 2015. Gothenburg, Sweden
Häll, Lars O; Jahnke, Isa; Bergström, Peter
Digitaalinen oppiminen ja oppimisympäristöt, Tampere: Juvenes Print – Suomen Yliopistopaino Oy 2015 : 65-85
Jahnke, Isa; Mårell-Olsson, Eva; Norqvist, Lars; et al.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Designs for Learning, 6-9 May 2014, Stockholm University.
Jahnke, Isa; Mårell-Olsson, Eva; Norqvist, Lars; et al.
Transformative Dialogues, Kwantlen Polytechnic University 2013, Vol. 6, (3)
Bergström, Peter
Scaling up Learning for Sustained Impact: 8th European Conference, on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2013, Paphos, Cyprus, September 17-21, 2013. Proceedings, Berlin: Springer-Verlag New York 2013 : 424-429
Bergström, Peter; Årebrand, Stina
Cases on Online Learning Communities and Beyond: Investigations and Applications, Hersey: IGI Global 2012 : 403-425
Bergström, Peter
