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Personalbild Christina Segerholm

Christina Segerholm

Jag är utbildad förskollärare och anställd som professor i pedagogik. Mina forskningsintressen är utbildningspolicy och utvärdering. Jag undervisar på alla nivåer.

Vetenskaplig meritering: Docent



Verksam vid

Anknuten som professor emerita till Pedagogiska institutionen
Hus Y, Beteendevetarhuset Umeå universitet, Mediagränd 14, Beteendevetarhuset, 901 87 Umeå
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, Routledge 2022, Vol. 66, (4) : 642-657
Segerholm, Christina; Lindgren, Joakim; Novak, Judit
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, Routledge 2021, Vol. 65, (6) : 1052-1064
Lindgren, Joakim; Hult, Agneta; Carlbaum, Sara; et al.
Malmö: Gleerups Utbildning AB 2020
Lindgren, Joakim; Carlbaum, Sara; Hult, Agneta; et al.
Educational Philosophy and Theory, Routledge 2020, Vol. 52, (6) : 613-624
Segerholm, Christina
Skolans arbete mot kränkningar: juridifieringens konsekvenser, Malmö: Gleerups Utbildning AB 2020 : 107-124
Segerholm, Christina; Hult, Agneta
Pedagogiska rapporter från Pedagogiska institutionen, 98
Segerholm, Christina; Hult, Agneta; Olovsson, Tord Göran; et al.
NERA 2019 Abstract Book 2019-03-06 : 826-827
Lindgren, Joakim; Carlbaum, Sara; Hult, Agneta; et al.
The Governing-Evaluation-Knowledge Nexus: Swedish Higher Education as a Case, Dortrecht: Springer 2019 : 157-180
Lindgren, Joakim; Rönnberg, Linda; Hult, Agneta; et al.
The Governing-Evaluation-Knowledge Nexus: Swedish Higher Education as a Case, Dortrecht: Springer 2019 : 181-199
Lindgren, Joakim; Rönnberg, Linda; Hult, Agneta; et al.
The Governing-Evaluation-Knowledge Nexus: Swedish Higher Education as a Case, Dortrecht: Springer 2019 : 119-138
Lindgren, Joakim; Rönnberg, Linda; Hult, Agneta; et al.
The Governing-Evaluation-Knowledge Nexus: Swedish Higher Education as a Case, Dordrecht: Springer 2019 : 139-156
Segerholm, Christina
The Governing-Evaluation-Knowledge Nexus: Swedish Higher Education as a Case, Dordrecht: Springer 2019 : 201-208
Segerholm, Christina
The Governing-Evaluation-Knowledge Nexus: Swedish Higher Education as a Case, Dordrecht: Springer 2019 : 43-63
Segerholm, Christina; Hult, Agneta
Evaluating education: normative systems and institutional practices
Segerholm, Christina; Hult, Agneta; Lindgren, Joakim; et al.
European Conference for Educational Research (ECER), Hamburg, Germany, September 2-6, 2019
Segerholm, Christina; Hult, Agneta; Lindgren, Joakim; et al.
The Governing-Evaluation-Knowledge Nexus: Swedish Higher Education as a Case, Dordrecht: Springer 2019 : 25-42
Segerholm, Christina; Lindgren, Joakim
The Governing-Evaluation-Knowledge Nexus: Swedish Higher Education as a Case, Dortrecht: Springer 2019 : 1-23
Segerholm, Christina; Rönnberg, Linda; Lindgren, Joakim; et al.
NERA 2018: Abstract Book, University of Oslo 2018 : 94-94
Lindgren, Joakim; Carlbaum, Sara; Hult, Agneta; et al.
Nordic Studies in Education, Universitetsforlaget 2018, Vol. 38, (4) : 368-385
Lindgren, Joakim; Carlbaum, Sara; Hult, Agneta; et al.
ECER 2018: Inclusion and Exclusion, Resources for Educational Research?
Lindgren, Joakim; Hult, Agneta; Carlbaum, Sara; et al.
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, Taylor & Francis 2018, Vol. 62, (1) : 125-139
Segerholm, Christina; Hult, Agneta
Abstracts: Inclusion and Exclusion, Resources for Educational Research?
Segerholm, Christina; Hult, Agneta; Rönnberg, Linda; et al.
ECER 2017, European Conference for Educational Research, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 22-25, 2017
Carlbaum, Sara; Hult, Agneta; Lindgren, Joakim; et al.
American Journal of Evaluation, Sage Publications 2017, Vol. 38, (1) : 114-125
Dahler-Larsen, Peter; Abma, Tineke; Bustelo, Maria; et al.
School inspectors: policy implementers, policy shapers in national policy contexts, Cham: Springer 2017 : 121-135
Hult, Agneta; Segerholm, Christina
Utvärdering och bedömning i skolan: För vem och varför?, Stockholm: Natur och kultur 2017 : 49-62
Rönnberg, Linda; Segerholm, Christina
ECER 2017, European Conference for Educational Research, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 22-25, 2017
Segerholm, Christina; Hult, Agneta; Olofsson, Anders
ECER 2016, Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers, 22-26 August, Dublin
Hult, Agneta; Olofsson, Anders; Segerholm, Christina
Utbildning och Demokrati, Örebro: Örebro universitet 2016, Vol. 25, (2) : 95-118
Hult, Agneta; Segerholm, Christina
Vad ska en svensk kunna? : utbildningens dilemma - intressenas spel, Göteborg: Daidalos 2016 : 19-39
Segerholm, Christina
Comparative Education Society in Europe conference, Glasgow, Scotland, March 31 - June 3, 2016
Segerholm, Christina
ECER 2016, Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers, Dublin, August 22-26, 2016
Segerholm, Christina; Lindgren, Joakim; Hult, Agneta; et al.
ECER 2015, 7-11 September, Hungary: education and transition - contributions from educational research
Segerholm, Christina; Hult, Agneta
The 43rd Annual Congress of the Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA)
Segerholm, Christina; Lindgren, Joakim
European Conference for Educational Research (ECER), Network 23, in Porto, Portugal, September 2-5, 2014. : 1-3
Hult, Agneta; Segerholm, Christina
Conference for Educational Research (ECER), Porto, Portugal, September 2-5, 2014.
Lindgren, Joakim; Rönnberg, Linda; Hult, Agneta; et al.
Kvalitet i fleksibel høyere utdanning: nordiska perspektiver, Trondheim: Akademika forlag 2013 : 195-205
Segerholm, Christina; Lindberg, J Ola
Comparative Education, Routledge 2009, Vol. 45, (1) : 5-21
Grek, Sotiria; Lawn, Martin; Lingard, Bob; et al.
Theory and Evidence in European Educational Research:  
Nilsson, Ingrid; Segerholm, Christina
Pedagogik som examensämne 100 år, Uppsala: Universitetstryckeriet, Uppsala universitet 2009 : 167-178
Nilsson, Ingrid; Segerholm, Christina
Journal of education policy, Routledge 2009, Vol. 24, (2) : 195-209
Segerholm, Christina
Pedagogik som examensämne 100 år, Uppsala, 2007 : -
Nilsson, Ingrid; Segerholm, Christina
Dilemmas of Engagement: Evaluation and the New Public Management, Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2007 : 129-138
Segerholm, Christina
the ECER-conference in Geneva, September 13-16, 2006
Nilsson, Ingrid; Segerholm, Christina; From, Jörgen; et al.
European Educational Research Journal, Vol. 5, (3-4) : 287-291
Segerholm, Christina
The ECER conference in Geneva : -
Segerholm, Christina
The American Evaluation Association conference in Portland : -
Segerholm, Christina
Research reports / Umeå Centre for Evaluation Research, 1
Hanberger, Anders; Khakee, Abdul; Nygren, Lennart; et al.
Stockholm: Skolverket 2005
Marner, Anders; Örtegren, Hans; Segerholm, Christina