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Supervision in Higher Education

An important part of the teaching mission in higher education is to supervise students at undergraduate and advanced levels. To do this, the teacher needs knowledge of subject-specific quality requirements, together with strategies and methods to effectively support students in their thesis work.

The mission also involves managing different aspects of the supervision process (such as power, approaches to student learning and your role as a supervisor). The course "Supervising students" gives you an opportunity to develop your own leadership skills and meet other colleagues in discussion about supervision.

The course is aimed primarily at teachers who supervises or will supervise theses/independent projects on basic and advanced levels and for teachers who are interested in developing the supervision practice and their role as supervisors.

Quotes from previous participants

"Supervision of each other helped us to develop our individual work."

Course description Supervision in Higher Education (in Swedish)
Course evaluation Supervision in Higher Education 2023 (in Swedish)


Spring 2025

Language: Swedish
Length: 2 weeks
Participants: 8 - 24
Level: In-depth

Course dates: March 20-21, Apr 14, May 6, 26-27

(login with umu-id required)

Application deadline: We have a few places left on the course...

Please note!

Before registering, it is important to ensure that you can attend all course days.

Notification of admission is sent to applicants about 2 weeks after the application deadline. Read more about our general admission and selection here.

There will be an administrative fee of SEK 5000 if you cancel your participation three weeks or later before the course starts. 
This also applies in case of non-show without notice or early interruption of the course.


Any questions about your registration? Please contact us at UPL

Latest update: 2024-10-25