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Postgraduate supervision in practice

Do you supervise PhD students or will you do so soon? As a supervisor, you need to find ways of working that are both effective and individually tailored to the students’ needs.

The course provides a time and a place to discuss and reflect on the role of supervisors together with other colleagues. Sharing experiences across the borders of faculties and disciplines provide wider perspectives, stimulates innovation and strengthens your identity as a supervisor.

This course is aimed at both new and experienced supervisors. A requirement is that you have defended your dissertation before the course begins. Selection of participants is carried out by each faculty.

Quotes from previous participants

Most valuable has been:

"Meeting colleagues from other departments - Provides perspectives and exchange of ideas"

"The supervisor dialog in small groups - to talk about problems and see that they are universal"

Course description Postgraduate supervision in practice


Spring 2025

Course code: VT25-1
Language: English
Length: 2 weeks
Participants: 8 - 24
Level: In-depth

Course dates: Feb 18-19, Mar 13-14, Apr 10-11
Location: Läraren, UPL (Natural Science Building)

(login with umu-id is required)

Application deadline: October 15, 2024


Course code
: VT25-2
Language: Swedish
Length: 2 weeks
Participants: 8 - 24
Level: In-depth

Course dates: May 14-15, June 4-5, Aug 14-15
Location: Zoom

(login with umu-id is required)

Application deadline: October 15, 2024

Autumn 2024

Course code: HT24-1
Language: English
Lenght: 2 weeks
Participants: 8 - 24
Level: In-depth

Couse dates: Sept 11-13, Oct 14-15, Nov 19-20
Location: Zoom

Application is closed!
Course code: HT24-2
Language: Swedish
Language: 2 weeks
Participants: 8 - 24
Level: In-depth

Course dates: Nov 14-15 (2024), Jan 9-10, Feb 5-6 (2025)
Location: Läraren, UPL (Natural Science Building)

Application is closed!

Please note!

There will be an administrative fee of SEK 5000 if you cancel your participation three weeks or later before the course starts. 
This also applies in case of non-show without notice or early interruption of the course.

Notification of admission is sent to applicants about 2 weeks after the application deadline. Read more about our general admission and selection here.


Any questions about your registration? Please contact our administrator Marie Friman

Latest update: 2024-08-20