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Your query resulted in 100 hits

Showing 60-70 of 100 hits
Procedure for the withdrawal of resources from doctoral students at Umeå University
Type Policy document
This document regulates the administrative procedure for the withdrawal of supervision and other resources at Umeå University. It also describes the handling of appeals concerning a doctoral...
Procedures for documenting information in Ladok - third-cycle at Umeå University
Type Policy document
The procedures for documenting information in Ladok for third-cycle studies at Umeå University aim to create a uniform and functioning method for managing information about all of the University’s...
Procedures for establishing, discontinuing, revise, changing the name of a third-cycle subject area or specialisation
Type Policy document
This procedure describes the process to establish, discontinue and change the name of a third-cycle subject area or specialisation at Umeå University. The purpose of the procedure is to contribute ...
Threshold amount for accounting of fixed assets
Type Policy document
The following threshold amounts apply for: Tangible assets: SEK 30 000. Intangible assets: SEK 300 000. New construction/extensions/remodelling of someone else’s property: SEK 300 000. Repairs/main...
Investment policy for foundations affiliated with Umeå University
Type Policy document
This policy describes how Umeå University will work with asset management of the University’s affiliated foundations. Hence, the policy will state the responsibility and follow-up of the...
Rules for financial management
Type Policy document
This document describes the main principles of financial management at Umeå University, as well as managers’ responsibility and authority in financial matters. They also detail what the...
Rules for business entertainment
Type Policy document
This policy document contains a summary of the rules that apply to business entertainment at Umeå University. The basic principle in Sweden’s tax legislation is that benefits provided by the employ...
Strategic plan for Umeå University 2023–2025
Type Policy document
This document contains the strategic plan for Umeå University for the period 2023–2025, including themes and focus areas and the learning outcomes or results to be achieved (indicators). The purpos...
Budget 2024 for umeå university including financial plan 2025–2026
Type Policy document
This document constitutes the University Board’s approval on the 2024 budget for Umeå University and the financial plan for 2025–2026.
Procurement and purchasing
Type Policy document
This rule sets out how procurement and purchasing at Umeå University is to be carried out based on the applicable acts, ordinances and directives, as well as the needs and objectives of the activit...
Latest update: 2023-03-08