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Procedures - whistleblowing at Umeå University
Type Policy document
These procedures describe Umeå University’s whistleblower function. They outline the University’s reporting channels and how follow-up cases are to be processed by the authorised office.
Rule for intermittent employment with hourly wage
Type Policy document
This policy document describes how Umeå University handles intermittent employment with hourly wage.
Professional and career development policy
Type Policy document
The aim of this policy is to institutionalise a long-term, structured and strategic approach to professional and career development; strengthen the University’s ability to develop and respond to...
Rules for written hall exams
Type Policy document
This rule is intended to promote fair exams. The rules are to be applied in both regularly scheduled exams and retakes of exams and they consist of two parts: • Rules for written hall exams (Sectio...
Annual report
Type Policy document
The university submits an annual report to the government every year, which has been decided by the university board. The annual report presents and comments on the results of the activities.
Quality system for education
Type Policy document
Umeå University has a coherent quality system for education that is integrated into the University’s operating cycle. The quality system is based on nine activities that support, develop and...
Safety policy
Type Policy document
This policy describes the main focus with regard to safety work for Umeå University. The policy covers employees and organisational operations at the University, as well as service providers,...
Research data policy
Type Policy document
This policy describes responsibilities and provides guidance on how Umeå University is to manage and preserve research data during the entire course of a research project from the planning stage,...
Procedures for strategic products
Type Policy document
This procedure describes roles and responsibilities and the manner in which the University’s organisation is to work with non-proliferation and export controls on military equipment and dual-use...
Management and leadership policy
Type Policy document
This policy sets out Umeå University’s view on management and leadership as well as its expectations on managers and leaders at the University – including heads of department and other academic...
Latest update: 2023-03-08