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Yulia Kashevarova

Using experimental methods, I research how multiple cue use in third-language Swedish sentences and discourses is affected by the cue use in learners' first and second languages.

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Doctoral student at Department of Language Studies
A, Humanisthuset, korridorerna HE2, HF2, HA2, HA1, HB1 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

I am interested in understanding to what extent adult learners of the second/third language (L2/3) can be sensitive to discourse and sentence-level cues in their L2/3. In particular, whether and to what extent their sensitivity is affected by the efficiency of prediction, cognitive load, and the same cue's relative weights in their first languages. The participants I test are adult Russian-English-Swedish, English-Swedish, and Swedish-English speakers. My previous research concerned L3 spoken sentences comprehension in adult trilinguals and explored whether the sentence context (top-down) could modulate lexical competition (bottom-up) from both non-target languages. I also explore the effects of individual learner characteristics, e.g., the language learning history, age, L3-immersion length, on trilinguals' language processing.

I have also been teaching English, French, and Russian across the globe. More details can be found at https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3069-0407. 

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