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Staff photo Ummehan Avican

Ummehan Avican

I am a staff scientist in Maria Fällman's group working on in vivo transcriptomics of Salmonella Typhimurium.

Works at

Staff scientist at Department of Molecular Biology Section: Postdocs Dept of Molecular Biology, Research group Maria Fällman
6K och 6L, Sjukhusområdet Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

I got my PhD degree from Umeå University focusing on secretions systems and pathogenesis of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis.

After a postdoctor fellowship, I am currently a staff scientist in Maria Fällman lab working on in vivo transcriptomics of Salmonella Typhimurium.

Infection and Immunity, Vol. 85, (4)
Avican, Ummehan; Doruk, Tugrul; Östberg, Yngve; et al.
Journal of Bacteriology, Washington: American Society for Microbiology 2016, Vol. 198, (20) : 2876-2886
Avican, Ummehan; Beckstette, Michael; Heroven, Ann Kathrin; et al.
PLOS ONE, San Francisco: Public Library of Science 2013, Vol. 8, (10)
Amer, Ayad; Costa, Tiago; Farag, Salah; et al.

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