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Staff photo Sofia Rapo

Sofia Rapo

Teaching mainly undergrads of the Food and Nutrition program, and a PhD student since fall 2017.


Works at

Lärarutbildningshuset, Plan 4, Lärarutbildningshuset Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
Lärarutbildningshuset, Plan 4, Lärarutbildningshuset Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
Affiliated as doctoral student at Umeå Centre for Gender Studies (UCGS)
Samhällsvetarhuset, Plan 4

I started working at the department as a teacher 2014, teaching mainly undergrads taking the Food and Nutrition program. My teaching has mainly been focused on foodservice organization and food product development. I am also a PhD student since fall 2017 and my research topic is the organization of hospital catering. My supervisors are Ethel Kautto and Agneta Hörnell.

Nutrition & Dietetics, Blackwell Publishing 2021, Vol. 78, (5) : 487-495
Rapo, Sofia; Mattson Sydner, Ylva; Kautto, Ethel; et al.
Universitetspedagogiska konferensen 2017: undervisning i praktiken – föreläsning, flexibelt eller mitt emellan?, Umeå: Universitetspedagogik och lärandestöd (UPL), Umeå universitet 2017 : 42-43
Einarsson, Sandra; Rapo, Sofia