I have completed my Ph.D. in Algal Biotechnology from the Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IIT Kharagpur). My thesis mainly focused on microalgal biodiesel production, carbon dioxide sequestration, and waste recycling. I have also collaboratively worked on bio-product development. I did my first postdoc from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, where I have worked on bioremediation of micro/nanoplastics by microalgae.
At Umeå University, I have joined Prof. Christiane Funk's group as a postdoc in October 2024. I am working on "Waste to Plastic" project funded by Kempe foundation, where I am trying to find sustainable routes to valorise microalgal carbohydrates for production of "Bioplastics/ biopolymers" from bacteria. The project includes collaboration with multiple partners from both academia and industry.