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Robert O. Nilsson

Robert O. Nilsson, doctoral student in human geography at the Department of Geography.

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Doctoral student at Department of Geography Section: Geography
Samhällsvetarhuset, Plan 2& 3 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

I am a researcher in geography and tourism. My research interests include Arctic- and polar tourism, tourism development, and tourism planning. The focus of my research is on language in geography and how language is used to conceptualize people's surroundings in places as well as its impact on (tourism)production and people's perception of places.

At present I am involved in the following research projects:

· Climate Change and the Double Amplification of Arctic Tourism: Challenges and Potential Solutions for Tourism and Sustainable Development in an Arctic Context (FORMAS)

· Sustaining Tourism and Communities in Post-Covid-19 Times

Journal of Sustainable Tourism
Demiroglu, O. Cenk; Bohn, Dorothee; Dannevig, Halvor; et al.
International journal of biometeorology, Springer Nature 2024, Vol. 68, (3) : 595-611
Nilsson, Robert O.; Demiroglu, O. Cenk
TemaNord, 2022:516
Jóhannesson, Gunnar Thór; Welling, Johannes; Müller, Dieter K.; et al.
Polar Geography, Taylor & Francis 2022, Vol. 45, (2) : 119-136
Marjavaara, Roger; Nilsson, Robert O.; Müller, Dieter K.

I teach tourism at the Department of Geography.

At present I teach the following courses:

·       Destinationer 7,5hp (Destination Development)
·       Evenemang 7,5hp (Event Management)
·       Introduktion till Turism 15hp (Introduction to Tourism)
·       Turismplanering 15hp (Tourism Planning)
·       Hotellbranschens Dynamik och Struktur 15hp (The Hotel industry's Dynamics and Structure)

Courses I have previously taught:

·       Destinationer 15hp (Destination Development)
·       Evenemang 15hp (Event Management)
·       Turismkunskap II 5hp (Basics of Tourism part 2)