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Staff photo Rebecca Forsberg

Rebecca Forsberg

I am a science communicator for SciLifeLab Site Umeå and the Chemical Biological Centre (KBC).



Works at

Communications officer at Department of Chemistry

I have a strong passion for translating exciting research and science into accessible and engaging material. 

Forskaren och Head of Unit på SMC, Annika Johansson, berättar om forskningen vid infrastrukturen för besökarna.
Ukrainian researchers visited Umeå in search of collaboration and inspiration

With Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, most of laboratory research came to a halt.

Stort mikrokop, ca 1 gånger 1 meter, står på ett bord. Mikroskopet är bitt, svart med kablar som sticker ut. Bredvid står forskaren Erin Schexnaydre.
New microscope will reveal 3D cell structures at nanoscales

The new FIB-SEM instrument was inaugurated in November 2024.

En grupp människor som står vid en monter på KBC-dagarna 2024
KBC DAYS strengthens interdisciplinary collaboration

Researchers and staff from infrastructures and industry shared ideas and results under the theme sensing.