Per Stål is professor in anatomy. His research is focused on cellular and molecular changes in healthy and diseased muscles and nerves.
Professor Per Stål is a research leader at the muscle biology laboratory and his team is involved in translational projects on human muscles and nerves. The research focus is on cellular and molecular changes that occur during physical activity, different disease states, healing, and aging. The objective of the research is to increase the understanding of normal muscle and nerve function and biological processes involved in neuromuscular disease. Emphasis is on changes in cell membranes, cytoskeletal and contractile proteins, micro-vascularization and signaling substances involved in growth, protection, and regeneration. The long-term goal of the research is to find new and effective treatment strategies for neuromuscular injuries. For his involvement in muscle research, Docent Per Stål has received Messner Foundation Award in 2012 and the Thuréus Award in 2018.
Per Stål is qualified as a merited teacher and teaches within the medical, dental and nursing program. He has received numerous awards from students and Umeå University for his teaching efforts.