My research aims at mapping brain processes that explain individual differences in cognitive functions in aging. A specific focus is directed at the dopamine system, with the overarching goals: (i) pin down mechanism that give rise to individual differences in dopamine status and dopamine loss in aging, (ii) assess the implications of dopamine decline for cognitive aging routes. These lines of work are conducted mainly within the Cognition, Brain, and Aging (COBRA) study, which is a collaboration between researchers at Umeå Universitet, Karolinska Institutet, Göteborgs Universitet, and Max Planck Institute for Human Development. I also collaborate with researchers in other aging studies, e.g. Betula, PHIBRA, and the Berlin Aging study II. In COBRA, dopamine system integrity and brain structure and function are mapped via brain imaging (PET and MRI). Furthermore, I have several years of experience with biomedical research, and techniques such as in vivo electrochemistry, immunohistochemistry, and cell cultures.