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Moa Eriksson Krutrök

I explore how social media shapes our responses to crises—how we grieve, process trauma, and find resilience in digital spaces like Twitter and TikTok.

Research qualifications: Docent

Works as

Associate professor at Department of Culture and Media Studies Section: -
Humanisthuset, Biblioteksgränd 3 (huvudentré) Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

I study how social media shapes public and personal responses to crises—how we express grief, trauma, and resilience in digital spaces. My research examines the multimodal nature of these expressions and how different platforms, such as Twitter and TikTok, shape the ways people communicate in times of adversity, including terrorist attacks, wars, and social movements.

Beyond large-scale crises, I also explore how individuals navigate personal loss in public online spaces. My work on TikTok, for example, examines how algorithms connect people through shared experiences of mourning, fostering unexpected communities of support.

My research has been widely covered in the media—find a summary of my public outreach here

I hold a PhD in Sociology from Umeå University, Sweden, and have been awarded docentship in Sociology. I am an Associate Professor of Media and Communication Studies, affiliated with Humlab, a research infrastructure at the Faculty of Arts for digital research and DIGSUM, the Centre for Digital Social Research. I am serve as editor for the Journal of Digital Social Research (JDSR).

Utpost, Umeå: Utrikespolitiska föreningen 2025, Vol. 2024/2025 : 15-17
Eriksson Krutrök, Moa
TikTok: kulturella perspektiv, Lund: Lunds universitet 2025 : 151-168
Eriksson Krutrök, Moa
The Globe and Mail, (2024-12-13)
Divon, Tom; Eriksson Krutrök, Moa
Social Media + Society, Sage Publications 2024, Vol. 10, (3) : 1-15
Divon, Tom; Eriksson Krutrök, Moa
The Routledge international handbook of child and adolescent grief in contemporary contexts, Routledge 2024 : 286-294
Eriksson Krutrök, Moa
London: Sage Publications 2024
Lindgren, Simon; Eriksson Krutrök, Moa
Influencer politics: at the intersection of personal, political, and promotional, Berlin; Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2024 : 105-120
Vikøren Andersen, Ida; Eriksson Krutrök, Moa
European Journal of Cultural Studies
Vikøren Andersen, Ida; Eriksson Krutrök, Moa; Arnesson, Johanna
Media and the war in Ukraine, New York: Peter Lang Publishing Group 2023 : 119-136
Divon, Tom; Eriksson Krutrök, Moa
Eriksson Krutrök, Moa
Information, Communication and Society, Routledge 2023, Vol. 26, (10) : 1996-2014
Eriksson Krutrök, Moa; Åkerlund, Mathilda
Dagens Industri
Eriksson Krutrök, Moa
Kulturella perspektiv - Svensk etnologisk tidskrift, Föreningen Kulturella perspektiv 2022, Vol. 31
Eriksson Krutrök, Moa
The Communication review, Taylor & Francis 2022, Vol. 25, (2) : 81-95
Eriksson Krutrök, Moa; Lindgren, Simon
Social Media + Society, Sage Publications 2021, Vol. 7, (3)
Eriksson Krutrök, Moa
Akademiska avhandlingar vid Sociologiska institutionen, Umeå universitet
Eriksson Krutrök, Moa
Social Media + Society, Sage Publications 2018, Vol. 4, (4)
Eriksson Krutrök, Moa; Lindgren, Simon
New Media and Society, Sage Publications 2018, Vol. 20, (11) : 3980-3996
Eriksson, Moa
Media Culture and Society, Sage Publications 2016, Vol. 38, (3) : 365-380
Eriksson, Moa
Eriksson Krutrök, Moa; Lindgren, Simon; Merrill, Samuel

Research groups

Affiliated with the group
Digital Sociology

Research projects

1 July 2023 until 31 December 2026

I teach theory, methods and research-specific courses at Umeå’s Media and Communication Studies programmes (BA and MA levels), including our Journalism and Strategic Communication students. I also supervise students writing their BA and MA theses.