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Staff photo Mattias Näsman

Mattias Näsman

Mattias Näsmans’ research investigates how historical actors and processes have either created obstacles or facilitated the transition of society and the economy towards sustainability.


Works at

Assistant professor at Unit of Economic History
Samhällsvetarhuset (ingång närmast lärarhuset), plan 4. , Biblioteksgränd, SAM.B.417 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
Affiliated as postdoctoral position at Centre for Regional Science at Umeå University
Samhällsvetarhuset, Plan 5 Samhällsvetarhuset Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

Mattias' research uses history as a lens to explore questions about ongoing green transitions. Can transitions be governed, and if so, can they be accelerated? How do different actors affect and influence the direction of transitions?

Mattias' research has mainly focused on the car industry's environmental adaptation and green transition. In addition to car companies, his research has focused on the work of politicians and government experts in reducing health and climate-damaging emissions from cars since the 1960s. At the intersection of politics, economics, technology, and environmental science, he has, for example, examined the lengthy process towards modern exhaust emissions control. The research answers questions about the lines of conflict that have arisen and continue to arise between legislators and the car industry in attempts to develop more less polluting cars. The research highlights the complexity of individual countries' efforts to take the lead in the transition, but also provides insights for policy makers on what is needed to bring other countries on board.

In the research program “A promised land?,” Mattias investigates the ongoing green reindustrialization of Norrland.

Mattias is affiliated with the Center for Regional Science (Cerum) at Umeå University and the Center for Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (Cere) at Umeå University and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

Mattias holds a master's degree in economic history and a bachelor's degree in philosophy from Umeå University.

Dagens nyheter, Stockholm: AB Dagens nyheter 2024, (2024-09-20)
Näsman, Mattias
GREEN Working paper series, 24
Näsman, Mattias; Ballor, Grace
CERUM rapport, 80
Näsman, Mattias; Bergquist, Ann-Kristin; Björling, Nils; et al.
Enterprise & society, Cambridge University Press 2023, Vol. 24, (1) : 59-89
Bergquist, Ann-Kristin; Näsman, Mattias
CERUM rapport, 78
Näsman, Mattias; Bergquist, Ann-Kristin; Björling, Nils; et al.
Ekonomisk Debatt, Stockholm: Nationalekonomiska föreningen 2022, (6) : 19-29
Näsman, Mattias
Business and Politics, Cambridge University Press 2022, Vol. 24, (3) : 241-260
Näsman, Mattias; Pitteloud, Sabine
Business History, Routledge 2020, Vol. 62, (2) : 373-374
Näsman, Mattias

Research projects

1 January 2023 until 31 December 2029