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Staff photo Keith Larson

Keith Larson

Project Coordinator for the Climate Impacts Research Centre (CIRC).


Works at

CIRC, Abisko Naturvetenskapliga Station, Vetenskapens väg 38, Abisko Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
Affiliated as other position at Arctic Centre at Umeå University (Arcum) Role: Director
Norra Beteendevetarhuset, Humanioragränd 5, plan 3 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

I am an evolutionary ecologist with almost 30 years experience conducting research and fieldwork traveling the world. Today I am the Project Coordinator for the Climate Impacts Research Centre (CIRC) at Umeå University. Here I maintain the research infrastructure and teaching environment at the Abisko Scientific Research Station. These activities include coordinating teaching and conducting research. Importantly, I engage the public directly through extensive outreach activities and citizen science at the research station, in the Abisko National Park, and internationally. A thread to all of my research is to put it into a regional or global context for the public and whenever possible to engage the public directly in the science.

My research focuses on how life history adaptations in Arctic and alpine species are shaped by the environment. Further, how the timing of life history events are affected by climate and environmental change. For example, how do species at the borders of their ranges deal with this change? What happens to species and populations at the shifting ecotone between the Boreal and the Arctic or the forest treeline and tundra or alpine? Where do "Arctic" species at their southern range-limits or alpine species at their elevational limits disperse, do they adapt, or do they go locally extinct?

I use citizen scientists to help answer some of these questions. This effort now includes the fjällkalendern project developed in collaboration with Naturens kalender, the Swedish National Phenology Network. Here citizen scientists track plant phenology in the Swedish Mountains. Importantly, this project has two aims, engage the public through participitory science to help them understand how scientists conduct climate change research and finally as a method to collect data from a very large region!

Publications from Arctic Centre at Umeå University, 2/2024
Aksnes, Dag W.; Danell, Rickard; Kullerud, Lars; et al.
Ecology Letters, John Wiley & Sons 2024, Vol. 27, (1)
Cantwell-Jones, Aoife; Tylianakis, Jason M.; Larson, Keith; et al.
Nature Ecology & Evolution
MacDougall, Andrew S.; Esch, Ellen; Chen, Qingqing; et al.
Ambio, Springer Nature 2024, Vol. 53 : 678-696
Simba, Lavhelesani D.; te Beest, Mariska; Hawkins, Heidi-Jayne; et al.
Nordic Journal of Botany
Wiegmans, Dymphna; Larson, Keith; Clavel, Jan; et al.
Publications from Arctic Centre at Umeå University, 1
Aksnes, Dag W.; Blöcker, Christopher; Colliander, Cristian; et al.
Functional Ecology, John Wiley & Sons 2023, Vol. 37, (3) : 748-762
Cantwell-Jones, Aoife; Larson, Keith; Ward, Alan; et al.
Journal of Vegetation Science, John Wiley & Sons 2023, Vol. 34, (6)
Hostens, Lore; Van Meerbeek, Koenraad; Wiegmans, Dymphna; et al.
Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group 2023, Vol. 13, (1)
Milarska, Sylwia E.; Androsiuk, Piotr; Paukszto, Łukasz; et al.
Journal of Applied Genetics, Springer Nature 2023, Vol. 64 : 37-53
Milarska, Sylwia Eryka; Androsiuk, Piotr; Bednarek, Piotr Tomasz; et al.
Global Change Biology, John Wiley & Sons 2022, Vol. 28, (9) : 3110-3144
Lembrechts, Jonas J.; van den Hoogen, Johan; Dorrepaal, Ellen; et al.
Ecology and Evolution, John Wiley & Sons 2021, Vol. 11, (22) : 16228-16238
Lindborg, Regina; Ermold, Matti; Kuglerová, Lenka; et al.
Global Change Biology, John Wiley & Sons 2021, Vol. 27, (20) : 5070-5083
MacDougall, Andrew S.; Caplat, Paul; Olofsson, Johan; et al.
Ornitologia Neotropical, Neotropical Ornithological Society 2020, Vol. 31 : 98-105
Inserillo, Daniel R.; Reitsma, Leonard; Larson, Keith; et al.
Global Change Biology, John Wiley & Sons 2020, Vol. 26, (11) : 6616-6629
Lembrechts, Jonas J.; Aalto, Juha; Ashcroft, Michael B.; et al.
Movement Ecology, BMC 2020, Vol. 8, (1)
Zhao, Tianhao; Ilieva, Mihaela; Larson, Keith; et al.
North American Bird Bander, University of South Florida 2019, Vol. 44, (2-3) : 168-170
Sharf, William C.; Benson, Anna-Marie; Larson, Keith
Evolutionary Ecology, Springer 2018, Vol. 32, (6) : 683-698
Berdan, Emma; Rosenquist, Hanna; Larson, Keith; et al.
Waterbirds (De Leon Springs, Fla.), The Waterbird Society 2017, Vol. 40, (1) : 58-62
Craig, David P.; Larson, Keith
Evolution Letters, JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 2017, Vol. 1, (3) : 155-168
Lundberg, Max; Liedvogel, Miriam; Larson, Keith; et al.
Journal of Evolutionary Biology, John Wiley & Sons 2017, Vol. 30, (6) : 1068-1077
Wellenreuther, M.; Rosenquist, H.; Jaksons, P.; et al.
PLOS ONE, Vol. 9, (5)
Larson, Keith W.; Liedvogel, Miriam; Addison, BriAnne; et al.
Frontiers in Zoology, Vol. 11
Liedvogel, Miriam; Larson, Keith W.; Lundberg, Max; et al.
The Condor, Vol. 115, (2) : 366-374
De Ruyck, Chris; Hobson, Keith A.; Koper, Nicola; et al.
Journal of Avian Biology, Vol. 44, (6) : 561-566
Larson, Keith W.; Liedvogel, Miriam; Bensch, Staffan; et al.
North American Bird Bander, Vol. 38, (1) : 28-30
Larson, Keith W.; Smith, Joseph A. M.; Merker, Samuel A.; et al.
Waterbirds (De Leon Springs, Fla.), Vol. 35, (1) : 25-34
Collis, Ken; Roby, Daniel D.; Larson, Keith W.; et al.
PLOS ONE, Vol. 7, (4)
Hobson, Keith A.; Van Wilgenburg, Steven L.; Wassenaar, Leonard I.; et al.
Lund: Department of Biology, Lund University 2012
Larson, Keith
Ornis Svecica, Vol. 22, (3-4) : 141-143
Larson, Keith W.; Kundisch, Sieglinde
Ecology, Vol. 93, (6) : 1353-1366
Wellenreuther, Maren; Larson, Keith W.; Svensson, Erik I.
African Bird Club Bulletin, Vol. 17, (2) : 210-211
Abalaka, J. L.; Ottosson, Ulf; Tende, Talatu; et al.
Systematic Botany, Vol. 34, (3) : 510-520
Fritsch, Peter W.; Schiller, Anja M.; Larson, Keith W.
Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Vol. 102, (3) : 167-174
Hobson, Keith A.; Van Wilgenburg, Steven L.; Larson, Keith W.; et al.
Journal of Ornithology, Vol. 150, (3) : 709-712
Larson, Keith; Hobson, Keith
Western Birds, Vol. 40, (1) : 2-20
Molina, Kathy C.; Garrett, Kimball L.; Larson, Keith W.; et al.
Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Vol. 102, (3) : 123-136
Wassenaar, Leonard I.; Van Wilgenburg, Steve L.; Larson, Keith W.; et al.
Waterbirds (De Leon Springs, Fla.), Vol. 30, (3) : 448-449
Larson, Keith W.; Martinez Leyva, Jesus Eduardo
Western Birds, Vol. 38, (3) : 222-223
Schiller, Anja M.; Larson, Keith W.; Alexander, John D.
Waterbirds (De Leon Springs, Fla.), Vol. 29, (2) : 198-202
Larson, Keith W.; Craig, David P.
Northwest Naturalist: a journal of vertebrate biology, Vol. 87, (3) : 252-252
Schiller, Anja M.; Larson, Keith W.
Behavioral Ecology, Vol. 16, (4) : 675-685
Karczmarski, Leszek; Wursig, Bernd; Gailey, Glenn; et al.