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Karin Larsén
Research qualifications:
Works at
Affiliated as professor emerita at
Department of Community Medicine and Rehabilitation
Section: Sports Medicine
-, Biologihuset
Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
Does the menstrual cycle influence aerobic capacity in endurance-trained women?
Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport
, Routledge 2024, Vol. 95, (3) : 609-616
Ekberg, Sofie; Morseth, Bente; Larsén, Karin B.; et al.
Effekter av konditionsträning periodiserad utifrån menstruationscykeln hos idrottande kvinnor
FOU rapport
, 2022:5
Wikström-Frisén, Lisbeth; Boraxbekk, Carl-Johan; Larsén, Karin
Low back pain and associated disability in Swedish adolescents
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports
, John Wiley & Sons 2019, Vol. 29 : 393-399
Sundell, Claes-Göran; Bergström, Erik; Larsén, Karin
National injury prevention measures in team sports should focus on knee, head, and severe upper limb injuries
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy
, Springer 2019, Vol. 27, (3) : 1000-1008
Åman, Malin; Forssblad, Magnus; Larsén, Karin
Exercise and pregnancy in recreational and elite athletes: 2016/2017 evidence summary from the IOC expert group meeting, Lausanne. Part 5. Recommendations for health professionals and active women
British Journal of Sports Medicine
, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2018, Vol. 52, (17) : 1080-1085
Bo, Kari; Artal, Raul; Barakat, Ruben; et al.
Stress Fractures of Pars Interarticularis in Adolescent Athletes a Classification System with MRI and CT Enabling Evaluation of The Healing Process
Journal of Exercise, Sports & Orthopedics
, Vol. 5, (1)
Sundell, Claes-Göran; Jonsson, Håkan; Ådin, L.; et al.
A Nationwide Follow-up Survey on the Effectiveness of an Implemented Neuromuscular Training Program to Reduce Acute Knee Injuries in Soccer Players
The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine
, Sage Publications 2018, Vol. 6, (12)
Åman, Malin; Larsén, Karin; Forssblad, Magnus; et al.
Effects on power, strength and lean body mass of menstrual/oral contraceptive cycle based resistance training
Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness
, Vol. 57, (1-2) : 43-52
Wikström-Frisén, Lisbeth; Boraxbekk, Carl Johan; Henriksson-Larsén, Karin
Increasing training load without risking the female athlete triad: menstrual cycle based periodized training may be an answer?
Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness
, Edizioni Minerva Medica 2017, Vol. 57, (11) : 1519-1525
Wikström-Frisén, Lisbeth; Boraxbekk, Carl-Johan; Henriksson-Larsén, Karin
Mood and oxytocin blood levels in physically active women with and without oral contraceptive use in relation to seasonal daylight variation
International Journal of Sports and Exercise Medicine
, Vol. 3, (3)
Wikström-Frisén, Lisbeth; Larsson, Peter; Mincheva Nilsson, Lucia; et al.
Periodisering av träning under menstruationscykeln
Svensk Idrottsmedicin
, Järna: Svensk Förening för Fysisk Aktivitet och Idrottsmedicin 2017, Vol. 36, (3) : 12-14
Wikström-Frisén, Lisbeth; Larsén, Karin
Impact of Season and Oral Contraceptive use on Cortisol Levelsin Physically Active Women
Journal of Exercise, Sports & Orthopedics
, Vol. 3, (2)
Wikström-Frisén, Lisbeth; Nordström, Anna; Mincheva-Nilsson, Lucia; et al.
Insurance claims data: a possible solution for a national sports injury surveillance system? An evaluation of data information against ASIDD and consensus statements on sports injury surveillance
BMJ Open
, Vol. 4, (6)
Aman, Malin; Forssblad, Magnus; Henriksson-Larsén, Karin
Clinical Examination, Spondylolysis and Adolescent Athletes
International Journal of Sports Medicine
, Vol. 34, (3) : 263-267
Sundell, Claes-Göran; Jonsson, H.; Ådin, L.; et al.
Physiological Correlates of Skating Performance in Women's and Men's Ice Hockey
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
, National Strength and Conditioning Association 2011, Vol. 25, (8) : 2133-2142
Gilenstam, Kajsa M.; Thorsen, Kim; Henriksson-Larsén, Karin B.
Rhabdomyolysis/myoglobinemia and NSAID during 48 h ultra-endurance exercise (adventure racing)
European Journal of Applied Physiology
, Vol. 111, (7) : 1541-4
Wichardt, Emma; Mattsson, C Mikael; Ekblom, Björn; et al.
Tunga puckar och låga förväntningar - blindskär i damhockeyns utveckling
Svensk Idrottsforskning: Organ för Centrum för Idrottsforskning
, Stockholm: Centrum för idrottsforskning 2010, Vol. 19, (1) : 46-50
Gilenstam, Kajsa; Henriksson-Larsén, Karin; Karp, Staffan; et al.
Influence of stick stiffness and puck weight on puck velocity during slap shots in women's ice hockey
Sports Engineering
, Vol. 11, (3) : 103-107
Gilenstam, Kajsa; Henriksson-Larsén, Karin; Thorsen, Kim
Differences in training effects following training with and without supplemental oxygen in patients with COPD
Advances in Physiotherapy
, Vol. 11 : 186-192
Janaudis-Ferreira, Tania; Henriksson-Larsn, Karin; Lundgren, Rune; et al.
Gender in ice hockey: women in a male territory
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports
, Blackwell 2008, Vol. 18, (2) : 235-249
Gilenstam, Kajsa; Karp, Staffan; Henriksson-Larsén, Karin
Body composition and performance in cross-country skiing.
International Journal of Sports Medicine
, Vol. 29, (12) : 971-5
Larsson, Peter; Henriksson-Larsén, K
Positive short-term subjective effect of sports drink supplementation during recovery.
J Sports Med Phys Fitness
, Vol. 46, (4) : 578-84
Fahlström, M; Fahlström, P G; Lorentzon, Ronny; et al.
Positive short-term subjective effect of sports drink supplementation during recovery.
J Sports Med Phys Fitness
, Vol. 46, (4) : 578-84
Martin, Fahlström; Fahlström, P G; Lorentzon, Ronny; et al.
Combined metabolic gas analyser and dGPS analysis of performance in cross-country skiing.
J Sports Sci
, Vol. 23, (8) : 861-70
Larsson, Peter; Henriksson-Larsén, Karin
Group training in patients with COPD: long-term effects of decreased training frequency
Disability and Rehabilitation
, Vol. 27, (10) : 571-581
Wadell, Karin; Henriksson-Larsén, Karin; Lundgren, Rune; et al.
Muscle performance in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Effects of a physical training programme
Advances in Physiotherapy
, Vol. 7, (2) : 51-59
Wadell, Karin; Sundelin, Gunnevi; Lundgren, Rune; et al.
Validation of the MetaMax II portable metabolic measurement system
International Journal of Sports Medicine
, Georg Thieme Verlag KG 2004, Vol. 25, (2) : 115-123
Larsson, P U; Wadell, K M E; Jakobsson, E J I; et al.
High intensity physical training in water: an effective training modality for patients with COPD
Respiratory Medicine
, Vol. 98, (5) : 428-438
Wadell, Karin; Sundelin, Gunnevi; Henriksson-Larsén, Karin; et al.
Analysis of performance in orienteering with treadmill tests and physiological field tests using a differential global positioning system.
Journal of Sports Sciences
, Vol. 20, (7) : 529-535
Larsson, Peter; Burlin, Lennart; Jakobsson, Erkki; et al.
Physiological predictors of performance in cross-country skiing from treadmill tests in male and female subjects.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports
, Vol. 12, (6) : 347-353
Larsson, Peter; Olofsson, P; Jacobsson, Erkki; et al.
Heart rate variability in athletes: relationship with central and peripheral performance.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
, Vol. 33, (8) : 1394-1398
Hedelin, R; Bjerle, P; Henriksson-Larsén, Karin
The use of dGPS and simultaneous metabolic measurements during orienteering.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
, Vol. 33, (11) : 1919-1924
Larsson, Peter; Henriksson-Larsén, Karin
Physical training with and without oxygen in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and exerciseinduced hypoxaemia
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
, Vol. 33, (5) : 200-205
Wadell, Karin; Henriksson-Larsén, Karin; Lundgren, Rune
Pre- and post-season heart rate variability in adolescent cross-country skiers.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports
, Vol. 10, (5) : 298-303
Hedelin, R; Wiklund, U; Bjerle, P; et al.
Short-term overtraining: effects on performance, circulatory responses, and heart rate variability.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
, Vol. 32, (8) : 1480-1484
Hedelin, Rikard; Kenttä, Göran; Wiklund, Urban; et al.
Cardiac autonomic imbalance in an overtrained athlete.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
, Vol. 32, (9) : 1531-1533
Hedelin, Rikard; Wiklund, Urban; Bjerle, Per; et al.
Bone mass in female cross-country skiers: relationship between muscle strength and different BMD sites.
Calcified Tissue International
, Vol. 67, (3) : 199-206
Pettersson, Ulrika; Alfredson, Håkan; Nordström, Peter; et al.
Effect of high impact activity on bone mass and size in adolescent females: A comparative study between two different types of sports.
Calcified Tissue International
, Vol. 67, (3) : 207-214
Pettersson, Ulrika; Nordström, Peter; Alfredson, Håkan; et al.
Bone mineral density in flatwater sprint kayakers.
Calcified Tissue International
, Vol. 64, (5) : 374-379
Flodgren, G; Hedelin, R; Henriksson-Larsén, Karin
Low bone mass density at multiple skeletal sites, including the appendicular skeleton in amenorrheic runners
Calcified Tissue International
, Vol. 64, (2) : 117-125
Pettersson, Ulrika; Stålnacke, Britt-Marie; Ahlénius, Gerd-Marie; et al.
Gendered expectations and structural conditions in ice hockey
Gilenstam, Kajsa; Hammarström, Anne; Henriksson-Larsén, Karin
Low back stress fracture, spondylolysis and the importance of diagnosis: a retrospective MRI/CT and clinical study of stress reactions in the spine of young athletes
Sundell, Claes-Göran; Ådin, Lars; Larsén, Karin
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