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Staff photo Karin Danielsson

Karin Danielsson

Docent (Associate Professor) in informatics at the Faculty of Social Sciences. Director of Humlab at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. <https://www.umu.se/humlab/> since 2001

Research qualifications: Docent
Educational qualifications: Distinguished university teacher


Works at

Associate professor at Department of Informatics
Samhällsvetarhuset, Biblioteksgränd 10, Humlab Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
Affiliated as other position at Humlab Role: Director
Samhällsvetarhuset, Humlab är beläget under UB Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

As the director of Humlab, I aim to initiate, inspire and develop the interaction between traditional humanities, culture and digitalization in research, postgraduate education and teaching. Humlab is a strong competence center at Umeå University with access to an advanced technical environment for digital humanities. We work inter- and transdisciplinary and find the meeting across disciplinary boundaries to be central.

In my research, I focus on collaborative and participatory methods during design and evaluation of digital materials in different contexts and environments for different target groups.

My current research interests are:

AI and user participation

AI systems are increasingly prevalent in today’s society. When we develop and implement these systems, people are affected in different ways. Therefore, is important to consider representativeness (who is involved in the development and implementation of AI systems?), co-creation and participatory design (in what way, with which tools and methods, can citizens influence the development and implementation of AI systems?) and social change (how do we want these systems to change our society?). Questions like these have previously been addressed during design of interactive technologies and systems, using design approaches such as Participatory Design (PD). I investigate whether, if and how, participatory approaches and co-creation can be used during design and implementation of AI-systems in various contexts. In base my research on critical theory, feminist techno-science, and norm-creative methods. I collaborate in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research projects.

Health care and digitalization

Workplaces have been digitalized for a long time. Within healthcare, new challenges emerges, partly due to the shift to person-centered care. Presently, healthcare often includes new, digital solutions for communication and treatment. In my research, I focus on methods, tools, and techniques to support the development and implementation of innovation ideas by health care staff. Moreover, in the research project DiOn, I research on dietitians’ experience of working in digital environments, and how their work situation changes, with the increased use of digital tools in telepresence care.

European Journal of Education, John Wiley & Sons 2024, Vol. 59, (3)
Vanhée, Loïs; Danielsson, Karin; Enqvist, Lena; et al.
Umeå: 2023
Båth, Katharina; Mårell-Olsson, Eva; Wedman, Jonathan; et al.
Handbook of critical studies of artificial intelligence, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing 2023 : 595-606
Danielsson, Karin; Aler Tubella, Andrea; Liliequist, Evelina; et al.
AI, education and children: report 2023, Wallenberg-stiftelserna 2023 : 5-6
Danielsson, Karin; Pashevich, Ekaterina; Strömberg, Satish; et al.
interactions, ACM Digital Library 2023, Vol. 30, (3) : 31-33
Liliequist, Evelina; Aler Tubella, Andrea; Danielsson, Karin; et al.
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Kaptelinin, Victor; Björnfot, Patrik; Danielsson, Karin
Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, CSCW, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 2021 : 79-83
Kaptelinin, Victor; Danielsson, Karin; Kaiser, Niclas; et al.
NordiCHI '20: Proceedings of the 11th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Shaping Experiences, Shaping Society
Kaptelinin, Victor; Björnfot, Patrik; Danielsson, Karin; et al.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, MDPI 2020, Vol. 17, (11)
Månsson, Linda; Wiklund, Maria; Öhberg, Fredrik; et al.
CHI´19 (Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems) "Weaving the threads of CHI", Glasgow, Scotland, UK, May 4-9, 2019.
Croon Fors, Anna; Svedmark, Eva; Danielsson, Karin
JMIR Diabetes, Vol. 4, (3) : 1-10
Schimmer, Robyn; Orre, Carljohan; Öberg, Ulrika; et al.
ECCE 2017: proceedings of the European conference on cognitive ergonomics 2017, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 2017 : 188-190
Danielsson, Karin; Lindgren, Helena; Mulvenna, Maurice; et al.
ECCE 2017: Proceedings of the European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2017, ACM Digital Library 2017 : 59-60
Danielsson, Karin; Patrik, Björnfot
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM Press 2017 : 2690-2697
Kaptelinin, Victor; Björnfot, Patrik; Danielsson, Karin; et al.
ECCE 2017 European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, Umeå, Sweden, 19-22 September, 2017
Kaptelinin, Victor; Danielsson, Karin; Björnfot, Patrik
Proceedings Falun 2015 : 18-24
Danielsson, Karin
Universitetspedagogiska konferensen 2015: gränslös kunskap, Umeå: Universitetspedagogik och lärandestöd (UPL), Umeå universitet 2015 : 18-20
Danielsson-Öberg, Karin
Electronic Government: 12th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2013, Koblenz, Germany, September 16-19, 2013. Proceedings, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg 2013 : 200-211
Sefyrin, J.; Gidlund, K. L.; Danielsson-Öberg, Karin; et al.
Information and communication technologies, society and human beings: theory and framework  (Festschrift in honor of Gunilla Bradley), Hershey: IGI Global 2010 : 266-282
Danielsson, Ulrika; Danielsson Öberg, Karin
Interactive Technology and Smart Education, Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2006, Vol. 3, (4) : 275-292
Danielsson, Karin; Wiberg, Charlotte
Artful Integration: Interweaving Media, Materials and Practices : 49-52
Danielsson, Karin
Learning with mobile devices: research and development - a book of papers : 47-53
Danielsson, Karin; Hedestig, Ulf; Juslin, Maria; et al.

Research projects

1 June 2021 until 1 June 2022
15 August 2018 until 14 June 2025
30 November 2016 until 30 November 2019