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Ingrid Allard Stolterman

I provide researchers at Umeå univeristy with support on matters related to research funding, e.g. planning and writing of research applications to national and international funders.

Works at

Research coordinator (on leave) at Research Support and Collaboration Office Section: Research Support and Collaboration Umeå

I support researchers in strategic and opetrative matters concerning research funding. My responsibilities include coordinating grant applications, providing individual support and feedback, ensure compliance with funding requirements, and organising training sessions on grant writing and funding opportunities. I have perticular competence for supporting researchers in the areas of natural science and technology.

Energy and Buildings, Elsevier 2021, Vol. 250
Allard, Ingrid; Nair, Gireesh; Olofsson, Thomas
Building Simulation, Tsinghua University Press 2018, Vol. 11, (4) : 725-737
Allard, Ingrid; Olofsson, Thomas; Nair, Gireesh
Sustainability, MDPI 2017, Vol. 9, (10)
Allard, Ingrid; Olofsson, Thomas; Nair, Gireesh
11th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, NSB 2017, Elsevier 2017 : 988-993
Nair, Gireesh; Allard, Ingrid; Åstrand, Anders; et al.
Allard, Ingrid; Olofsson, Thomas; Östin, Ronny
NSB 2014 10th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics 15-19 June 2014 Lund, Sweden: FULL PAPERS
Olofsson, Thomas; Allard, Ingrid
Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, Pergamon-Elsevier Science 2013, Vol. 22 : 306-318
Allard, Ingrid; Olofsson, Thomas; Hassan, Osama A. B.
Proceeding of the Technoport Conference
Allard, Ingrid; Hassan, Osama; Olofsson, Thomas
Methods for air tightness analysis forresidential buildings in Nordic countries, Southampton: WIT Press 2012 : 311-322
Allard, Ingrid; Olofsson, Thomas; Hassan, Osama
Allard, Ingrid