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Staff photo Georgios Pavlogiannis

Georgios Pavlogiannis

PhD student conducting research about children's rights in sports and teaching in Tränarprogrammet and IFYS-programmer.

Works at

Doctoral student at Department of Education
Hus Y, Beteendevetarhuset Umeå universitet, Mediagränd 14, Beteendevetarhuset, 901 87 Umeå

In 2018 I finished my BASc in Physical Education and Sports Science in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. In 2019 I took my MSc in Performance Optimization with a Focus on Elite Sports from MID Sweden University. Since 2021, I am a PhD student in the Department of Education in Umeå University.

Generally, my research interests are related to the pedagogical and sociological aspects of coaching, the coach-athlete relationship and generally children/youth sports.

My research project is about children's rights in sports. More specifically, I investigate challenges and opportunities created by the application of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in Swedish sports.

My teaching is mainly in the Coaching Programme (tränarprogrammet) and the Sports Physiology Programme (IFYS-programmet). 


Young - Nordic Journal of Youth Research
Pavlogiannis, Georgios; Eliasson, Inger; Söderström, Tor
2022 EASS & ISSA World congress of sociology of sport: Why does sociology matter? The role of sport sociology in interdisciplinary research: Book of abstracts
Pavlogiannis, Georgios