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Staff photo Erika Sandow

Erika Sandow

Researching the area of population mobility, such as commuting and migration, and teaches courses in spatial planning, GIS and quantitative methods.

Research qualifications: Docent


Works at

Associate professor at Department of Geography Section: Geography Role: Assistant head of department
Affiliated as associate professor at Centre for Demographic and Aging Research at Umeå University (CEDAR) Section: CEDAR Research

I am docent and associate professor at the department of Geography and affiliated to CEDAR – Centre for Demographic and Ageing Research. My main research is related to aspects of geographical mobility of the population, such as commuting and migration. I am teaching courses within spatial planning, GIS and quantitative methods.

I have written empirical articles focusing on how social and geographical conditions cause different prerequisites and needs for long-distance commuting and social consequences related to long-distance commuting, in terms of gender differences in commuting patterns and earnings, separations and health consequences of commuting.

My current research is mainly related to projects investigating migration strategies among families with young children moving out from a metropolitan area, in relation to the organisation of daily life and geographical context prior and post migration: A good life outside the city,  Beyond the city life. Post-migration experiences. The results will add knowledge that can contribute to a relevant basis for future planning of cities, towns and rural areas by providing knowledge of contemporary trends of urbanisation and counter-urbanisation, as well as an understanding of families' experiences of migration and commuting strategies to create a socially sustainable everyday life.


I am a recurrent reviewer for manuscripts regarding commuting, migration and regional development in various international journals (i.e. Urban Studies, Journal of Family Issues, Transportation Research Part A, Journal of Transport Geography, Geografiska annaler, Applied Geography).

• In obtained my PhD in 2011 in Social and Economic Geography at Umeå University, on the thesis "On the road - Social aspects of commuting long distances to work". The following two years I conducted my post-doctoral studies within the SIMSAM-network (2011-2013).
• Between 2013-2017 I worked as an associate senior lecturer at CEDAR, and was teaching at the department of Geography.
• Since the end of 2017 I am senior lecturer (associate professor) at the department of Geography and affiliated to CEDAR.

Regional Studies, Regional Science, Taylor & Francis Group 2023, Vol. 10, (1) : 194-216
Hrehová, Kristína; Sandow, Erika; Lindgren, Urban
European Journal of Population, Springer 2023, Vol. 39, (1)
Sandow, Erika; Lundholm, Emma
CERGE-EI Working Paper Series, 694
Hrehová, Kristína; Sandow, Erika; Lindgren, Urban
Population, Space and Place, John Wiley & Sons 2020, Vol. 26, (7)
Lundholm, Emma; Sandow, Erika; Malmberg, Gunnar
European Journal of Population, Springer 2020, Vol. 36, (5) : 919-945
Olofsson, Jenny; Sandow, Erika; Findlay, Allan; et al.
European Urban and Regional Studies, Sage Publications 2020, Vol. 27, (3) : 276-289
Sandow, Erika; Lundholm, Emma
Integrating gender into transport planning: from one to many tracks, Palgrave Macmillan 2019 : 121-144
Sandow, Erika
The annals of regional science, Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer Berlin/Heidelberg 2016, Vol. 56, (1) : 125-152
Bäckström, Peter; Sandow, Erika; Westerlund, Olle
Urban Studies, Sage Publications 2014, Vol. 51, (3) : 526-543
Sandow, Erika
Environment and planning A, Pion 2014, Vol. 46, (6) : 1496-1516
Sandow, Erika; Westerlund, Olle; Lindgren, Urban
Journal of Transport and Land Use, Minnesota, USA: Journal of Transport and Land Use 2010, Vol. 2, (3/4) : 87-107
Sandow, Erika; Westin, Kerstin
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Elsevier 2010, Vol. 44, (6) : 433-445
Sandow, Erika; Westin, Kerstin
Journal of Transport Geography, Elsevier 2008, Vol. 16, (1) : 14-27
Sandow, Erika
TRUM-Rapport, 2007:1
Sandow, Erika; Westin, Kerstin
TRUM Rapport, 2006:1
Sandow, Erika; Westin, Kerstin
Sandow, Erika; Westin, Kerstin

I am the coordinator for the master's program in Spatial Planning and Sustainability, course manager for master courses such as; Advanced GIS Analysis, Spatial Analysis and Spatial Planning with a sustainability profile, teaches on the courses Human Geography and Planning Theory, Spatial planning, Spatial planning under insecure conditions and supervises thesis on bachelor and master level.