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Elena Lindholm

Docent in Hispanic literature and senior lecturer in Spanish at the Department of Language Studies

Research qualifications: Docent
Educational qualifications: Recognised university teacher

Works at

Associate professor at Department of Language Studies Section: Spanish
A, Humanisthuset, korridor HUM.K.2 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

Current research
'Collective Motherliness' in Italy and Spain: Reception and Reformulation of Ellen Key's Ideas on Motherhood and Female Sexuality in a Southern European Context (1900-1939)
The project is financed by the Swedish Research Council
Project leader: Elena Lindholm
Project member: Ulla Åkerström, Gothenburg Universtity

The purpose of the project is to investigate how the Swedish pedagogue Ellen Key's ideas on collective motherliness and maternal love as a social force were received and reformulated in Italian and Spanish feminist literature of the early 20th century. The project's starting point is the hypothesis that Key's concept of collective motherliness was a notion that, for feminists in Italy and Spain, worked as a bridge between tradition and modernity in a time of rapid social change. This was due to Key's emphasis on the female body as the ethical axis for the building of modern society. It permitted an unholy alliance between traditionally catholic notions of motherhood, and women's highly controversial advances as both political and sexual subjects during the early 20th century. A broader aim is to contribute with new knowledge to the general charting of European feminist thinkers from the early 20th century, how they interacted and how their ideas were received and adapted to different contexts. The project's methodological point of departure will primarily be the reception theory developed within the field of Cultural Studies. Because of its focus on the collective production of meaning on behalf of reader communities, the concept of interpretative communities is useful for investigating the remediation of Ellen
Key's ideas in a Southern European context. The concept of modernity will also problematized as well as the intersections between woman and modernity.

Earlier research
Feminism and Modernity in Carmen de Burgos´ Travelogues from Europe and the Nordic North at the beginning of the 20th century
The project was financed by Riksbankens jubileumsfond, a foundation supported by the Swedish Central Bank.

At the beginning of the 20th century the Spanish writer, journalist and women´s rights activist, Carmen de Burgos, made several journeys in Europe. These journeys are reproduced in her published chronicles and three travelogues. Previous research has focused on Burgos' literary and political writings, but largely ignored her travel texts. Furthermore, research on cultural contacts between Spain and the Nordic countries has not taken into account Burgos' depiction of the Nordic North. Taking into consideration Burgos´ importance in the contemporary Spanish debate on the nation´s modernization and women´s rights, an analysis of how these issues are dealt with in her travel texts is an important task to undertake. Burgos' stances in the European geography rendered in the travelogues can be observed in a wider geographical and ideological setting, in which the female subject presented in the texts can be observed in relation to the changing and gender-coded space of travelling. The aim of the research is to investigate the travelling subject represented in the texts, and to analyse how discourses on Spanish feminism and modernity are depicted in an early 20th century European setting, and to place a special focus on Burgos' portrayal of the Nordic North. The texts will be analysed on the basis of a contextual framework consisting of Burgos' literary and journalistic production, archive material and other contemporary writers' texts in the travel genre.

In November 2008 Elena Lindholm Narváez defended her dissertation entitled "Ese terrible espejo": autorrepresentación en la narrativa sobre el exilio del Cono Sur en Suecia, which focuses on narratives representing Latin American exile in Sweden. The literary texts that constitute the source material are written by authors from Uruguay, Chile and Argentina who lived in Sweden between 1973 and 1990. The dissertation investigates how exile identity is represented in the texts, but also how time and space in exile is depicted in relation to memories of political repression from the time before the exile.

Umeå: Umeå universitet 2023
Arvidsson, Alf; Edlund, Lars-Erik; Lindholm, Elena; et al.
Primerjalna Knjizevnost, The Research Center of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU) 2023, Vol. 46, (1) : 133-150
Lindholm, Elena
Anales de Literatura Espanola Contemporánea, Society of Spanish and Spanish-American Studies 2023, Vol. 48, (2) : 191-194
Lindholm, Elena
Humaniora: om humanistiska fakulteten vid Umeå universitet, Umeå: Umeå universitet 2023 : 129-131
Lindholm, Elena
Humaniora: om humanistiska fakulteten vid Umeå universitet, Umeå: Umeå universitet 2023 : 157-158
Lindholm, Elena
Humaniora: om humanistiska fakulteten vid Umeå universitet, Umeå: Umeå universitet 2023 : 136-138
Lindholm, Elena
Humaniora: om humanistiska fakulteten vid Umeå universitet, Umeå: Umeå universitet 2023 : 150-151
Lindholm, Elena
Queer women in modern Spanish literature: activism, sexuality, and the otherness of the 'chicas raras', Abingdon: Routledge 2022 : 118-132
Lindholm, Elena
Women writing intimate spaces: the long nineteenth century at the fringes of Europe, Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers 2022 : 145-159
Lindholm, Elena
Collective motherliness in Europe (1890-1939): the reception and reformulation of Ellen Key's ideas on motherhood and female sexuality, Berlin: Peter Lang Publishing Group 2020 : 137-160
Lindholm, Elena
Anales de Literatura Espanola Contemporánea, Society of Spanish and Spanish American Studies 2020, Vol. 45, (2) : 379-398
Lindholm, Elena
Collective motherliness in Europe (1890 - 1939): the reception and reformulation of Ellen Key's ideas on motherhood and female sexuality, Berlin: Peter Lang Publishing Group 2020 : 11-35
Åkerström, Ulla; Lindholm, Elena
Bergen Language and Linguistic Studies, Bergen: University of Bergen 2019, Vol. 10, (1)
Lindholm, Elena
OKNYTT. Tidskrift för Johan Nordlander-sällskapet, Umeå: Johan Norlander-sällskapet 2017, Vol. 34, (1-2) : 43-70
Lindholm, Elena
Multiple modernities: Carmen de Burgos, author and activist, Abingdon: Routledge 2017 : 109-126
Lindholm, Elena
Språkens magi: festskrift till professor Ingmar Söhrman, Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet 2017 : 149-156
Lindholm, Elena
Historiskan, Malmö: Historiskan 2016, (1) : 11-11
Lindholm, Elena
Västerbottenskuriren, Umeå: Västerbottenskuriren 2015, (10 september)
Lindholm, Elena
Traslaciones en los estudios feministas, Málaga: Perséfone, Ediciones electrónicas de la AEHM/UMA 2015 : 182-207
Lindholm, Elena
Cuaderno Internacional de Estudios Humanísticos y Literatura, Humacao, Puerto Rico: Universidad de Puerto Rico 2015, Vol. 22, (1) : 21-31
Lindholm, Elena
Historia de las literaturas hispánicas: Aproximaciones críticas, Lund: Studentlitteratur 2013 : 149-174
Lindholm, Elena
Communicating the North: media structures and images in the making of the Nordic region, Farnham: Ashgate 2013 : 197-218
Lindholm Narváez, Elena
Exilio e identidad en el mundo hispano: reflexiones y representaciones, Alicante: Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes 2012 : 986-1008
Lindholm Narvaez, Elena
NORA: Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, Taylor & Francis Group 2012, Vol. 20, (1) : 71-73
Lindholm Narváez, Elena
Västerbottenskuriren, Umeå: 2012, (52) : 38-39
Lindholm Narváez, Elena
Den tvetydiga pakten: skönlitterära texter i gränslandet mellan självbiografi och fiktion, Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis 2011 : 243-258
Lindholm Narváez, Elena
Västerbottenskuriren, Umeå: Västerbottenskurirens Aktiebolag 2011, (23/11)
Lindholm Narváez, Elena
Studier i språk och litteratur från Umeå universitet, 1
Lindholm Narvaez, Elena
Actas del Simposio Internacional "Suecia y León de Greiff (1895-1976): (Estocolmo, Umeå, Korpilombolo: sept. 2-8, 2004), Umeå: Department of Language Studies 2008 : 145-155
Lindholm Narváez, Elena
Provins, Luleå: Norrländska litteratursällskapet 2007, (1) : 28-30
Lindholm Narváez, Elena