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Staff photo Doris Carson

Doris Carson

Doris Carson is a human geographer with an interest in the socio-economic development of small communities in sparsely populated areas in the northern inland of Sweden and the Outback of Australia.

Research qualifications: Docent


Samhällsvetarhuset, Plan 2& 3 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

Works at

Research fellow (on leave) at Department of Geography Section: Geography
Research fellow at Department of Geography Section: Geography

I am a human geographer with an interest in the future of small villages and communities in sparsely populated northern peripheries. My research focuses primarily on three broad streams: 1) the processes that hinder or facilitate a transition from ‘extractive’ to ‘attractive’ industries (particularly tourism); 2) the role of mobile and temporary populations in stimulating innovation; and 3) the interplay between urbanisation, mobility and socio-economic change in sparsely populated areas.


I completed my PhD in 2011 at James Cook University (Australia), examining the dynamics of regional tourism innovation systems in remote resource peripheries. I was then a post-doctoral researcher at the Centre for Regional Engagement at the University of South Australia (2011-2014). I came to Umeå in 2014 to work on a project about tourism and lifestyle related mobilities in northern Sweden and their contributions to innovation capacity in small rural communities (as part of the project “Mobilising the Rural: Post-productivism and the New Economy”).


Since 2016, I have been involved in a number of research projects funded by the Swedish Research Council FORMAS:


  • Cities of the North: Urbanisation, mobilities and new development opportunities for sparsely populated hinterlands” (2016-ongoing): This project examines the dynamic migration and mobility relationships between rapidly growing cities in northern peripheries and their sparsely populated rural hinterlands. The project is interested in identifying how communities in the hinterland can benefit and capitalise on population and economic growth in their regional cities, or what factors may stifle such development opportunities. The research program is built around international comparisons, focusing on northern Sweden, the Northern Territory of Australia, and other northern or Arctic peripheries in Europe and North America.


  • Modelling the demographic future of small villages in sparsely populated areas” (led by Dean Carson, 2016-ongoing): This project uses agent based modelling, combining secondary register data with qualitative fieldwork data (and what we call ‘dirt research’), to understand potential demographic development pathways of small villages in the inland north of Sweden.


  • Mobilities, micro-urbanisation and changing settlement patterns in the sparsely populated north” (led by Linda Lundmark, 2016-ongoing): This project examines the changes in mobility and migration patterns to and within northern Sweden. It seeks to identify how different mobilities have impacted on population distribution, micro-urbanisation (i.e. urbanisation within rural and sparsely populated municipalities), and the functional and relational hierarchies of settlements in the sparsely populated north.


  • Climate Change and the Double Amplification of Arctic Tourism: Challenges and potential solutions for tourism and sustainable development in an Arctic context” (led by Dieter Müller, 2018-ongoing): This project examines the evolution of ‘Arctic tourism’ in northern Sweden, with a particular focus on how different government, industry and community stakeholders at local and regional levels have tackled the challenges and opportunities related to tourism, globalisation, climate change, land use conflicts and socio-cultural change.


I have written both empirical and theoretical review articles in a range of journals and books related to tourism, human geography, and economic development in sparsely populated areas – you can access my profile on Google Scholar for further details. I have also co-edited several collaborative volumes, including:


  • Koster, R. L., & Carson, D. A. (Eds.). (2019). Perspectives on Rural Tourism Geographies: Case Studies from Developed Nations on the Exotic, the Fringe and the Boring Bits in Between. Cham: Springer.
  • Carson, D. A., Brouder, P., & de la Barre, S. (2017). Communities and New Development Paths in the Sparsely Populated North. Special Issue in Journal of Rural and Community Development, 12(2-3).  
  • Robinson, G. M., & Carson, D. A. (Eds.). (2015). Handbook on the Globalisation of Agriculture. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Carson, D. A., Carson, D. B., & Lundmark, L. (2014). Tourism and Mobilities in Sparsely Populated Areas. Special issue in Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality & Tourism, 14(4).


Teaching and research supervision

I have taught the following courses between 2011-2018:

  • Destinations & Regional Development (Master level)
  • Tourism (Master level)
  • Research Design & Methodology (Master level)
  • Qualitative research methods (Master level)
  • Master’s thesis in Human Geography (Master level)
  • Tourism Destination Systems (Master level)
  • Tourism Planning (Bachelor level)
  • Consumer Behaviour in Tourism (Bachelor level)


I am also involved in supervising Master’s students and PhD candidates. I welcome thesis proposals in the fields of:

  • Rural/remote/peripheral/Arctic tourism
  • City-hinterland relationships with regard to mobility (migration, labour, migration), regional development, and policy planning
  • Local vs. regional innovation systems in peripheral areas
  • Temporary populations and economic development in peripheral areas
  • Local-level case studies of rural community development
Sustainability, MDPI 2024, Vol. 16, (6)
Carson, Dean B.; Brunet Johansson, Albert; Carson, Doris Anna
Med blicken mot Norr: att leva, arbeta och resa i glesbygd, Umeå: Umeå University 2024 : 54-81
Eimermann, Marco; Tomozeiu, Daniel; Carson, Doris A.
Tourism Geographies, Routledge 2023, Vol. 25, (8) : 1833-1855
Bohn, Dorothee; Carson, Doris A.; Demiroglu, O. Cenk; et al.
Geografiska Annaler. Series B, Human Geography, Taylor & Francis Group 2023, Vol. 105, (4) : 341-355
Eimermann, Marco; Carson, Doris A.
Handbook on tourism and rural community development, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing 2023 : 386-402
Eimermann, Marco; Carson, Doris A.; Lundmark, Linda
Folklore, people, and places: international perspectives on tourism and tradition in storied places, Abingdon: Routledge 2023 : 143-154
Åberg, Kajsa G.; Carson, Doris A.
More than 'nature': research on infrastructure and settlements in the North, Vienna: LIT Verlag 2022 : 263-281
Carson, Dean B.; Carson, Doris A.
Fennia, Geographical Society of Finland 2022, Vol. 200, (2) : 210-227
Carson, Dean B.; Carson, Doris A.; Lundmark, Linda; et al.
Journal of Rural Studies, Elsevier 2022, Vol. 93 : 104-111
Carson, Doris A.; Carson, Dean B.; Argent, Neil
Fennia, Geographical Society of Finland 2022, Vol. 200, (2) : 157-174
Lundmark, Linda; Carson, Doris A.; Eimermann, Marco
The demography of disasters: impacts for population and place, Cham: Springer 2021 : 81-99
Carson, Dean B.; Carson, Doris A.; Axelsson, Per; et al.
Sustainability, MDPI 2021, Vol. 13, (15)
Carson, Dean Bradley; Carson, Doris Anna
Degrowth and tourism: new perspectives on tourism entrepreneurship, destinations and policy, Milton Park: Routledge 2021 : 100-115
Carson, Doris A.; Carson, Dean B.
Geographical Research, John Wiley & Sons 2021, Vol. 59, (3) : 424-438
Carson, Doris A.; Carson, Dean B.; Lundström, Linus
Dipping in to the North: living, working and traveling in sparsely populated areas, Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan 2020 : 27-53
Carson, Dean B.; Carson, Doris A.; Eimermann, Marco; et al.
Polar Record, Cambridge University Press 2020, Vol. 56
Carson, Dean B.; Nilsson, Lena Maria; Carson, Doris A.
Dipping in to the North: living, working and traveling in sparsely populated areas, Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan 2020 : 285-310
Carson, Doris A.; Åberg, Kajsa G.; Prideaux, Bruce
Dipping in to the North: living, working and traveling in sparsely populated areas, Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan 2020 : 107-132
Eimermann, Marco; Tomozeiu, Daniel; Carson, Doris A.
Dipping in to the North: living, working and traveling in sparsely populated areas, Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan 2020 : 265-284
Lundmark, Linda; Carson, Doris A.
TemaNord, 2020:529
Müller, Dieter K.; Carson, Doris A.; de la Barre, Suzanne; et al.
Perspectives on rural tourism geographies: case studies from developed nations on the exotic, the fringe and the boring bits in between, Cham: Springer 2019 : 93-114
Carson, Dean B.; Carson, Doris A.
Journal of Northern Studies, Umeå: Umeå University; The Royal Skyttean Society 2019, Vol. 13, (1) : 7-33
Carson, Dean B.; Lundmark, Linda; Carson, Doris A.
Perspectives on Rural Tourism Geographies: Case Studies from Developed Nations on the Exotic, the Fringe and the Boring Bits in Between, Cham: Springer 2019 : 243-251
Carson, Doris A.; Koster, Rhonda L.
Perspectives on rural tourism geographies: case studies from developed nations on the exotic, the fringe and the boring bits in between, Cham: Springer 2019 : 173-196
Carson, Doris A.; Prideaux, Bruce; Porter, Rob; et al.
Regional Science Policy & Practice, John Wiley & Sons 2019, Vol. 11, (3) : 479-492
Eimermann, Marco; Tillberg Mattsson, Karin; Carson, Doris A.
Perspectives on rural tourism geographies: case studies from developed nations on the exotic, the fringe and the boring bits in between, Cham: Springer 2019 : 253-271
Koster, Rhonda L.; Carson, Doris A.
Perspectives on Rural Tourism Geographies: Case Studies from Developed Nations on the Exotic, the Fringe and the Boring Bits in Between, Cham: Springer 2019 : 159-169
Koster, Rhonda L.; Carson, Doris A.
Perspectives on Rural Tourism Geographies: Case Studies from Developed Nations on the Exotic, the Fringe and the Boring Bits in Between, Cham: Springer 2019 : 83-90
Koster, Rhonda L.; Carson, Doris A.
Journal of Northern Studies, Umeå: Umeå University & The Royal Skyttean Society 2018, Vol. 12, (2) : 11-36
Carson, Dean B.; Govan, Jeanie; Carson, Doris A.
Tourism Geographies, Routledge 2018, Vol. 20, (4) : 738-742
Carson, Doris A.
Journal of Rural Studies, Elsevier 2018, Vol. 64 : 230-240
Carson, Doris A.; Carson, Dean B.
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, Routledge 2018, Vol. 18, (2) : 183-198
Carson, Doris Anna; Carson, Dean Bradley; Eimermann, Marco
Processes of immigration in rural Europe: the status quo, implications and development strategies, Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2018 : 243-269
Eimermann, Marco; Carson, Doris A.
Tourism Recreation Resarch, Routledge 2018, Vol. 43, (1) : 26-38
Nyman, Emma; Westin, Kerstin; Carson, Doris
The Canadian Review of Sociology / Revue canadienne de sociologie, Vol. 55, (3) : 451-475
Peters, Paul; Carson, Dean; Porter, Robert; et al.
Journal of Rural and Community Development, Vol. 12, (2-3) : i-xi
Carson, Doris A.; Brouder, Patrick; de la Barre, Suzanne
Tourism Destination Evolution, Milton Park: Routledge 2017 : 103-122
Carson, Doris A.; Carson, Dean B.
Geographical Journal, Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell 2017, Vol. 183, (4) : 400-413
Hedlund, Martin; Carson, Doris A.; Eimermann, Marco; et al.
Journal of Rural Studies, Elsevier 2017, Vol. 54 : 469-478
Hodge, Heidi; Carson, Doris; Carson, Dean; et al.
Energy Research & Social Science, Vol. 16 : 13-24
Carson, Dean B.; Carson, Doris A.; Nordin, Gabriella; et al.
Comparative Population Studies, Vol. 41, (3-4) : 1-29
Carson, Dean B.; Carson, Doris A.; Porter, Rob; et al.
Settlements at the edge: remote human settlements in developed nations, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing 2016 : 357-378
Carson, Dean B.; Sköld, Peter; Carson, Doris A.; et al.
Milton Park: Routledge 2016
Carson, Doris A; Carson, Dean B; Lundmark, Linda
Settlements at the edge: remote human settlements in developed nations, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing 2016 : 178-206
Carson, Doris A.; Cleary, Jen; de la Barre, Suzanne; et al.
Tourism, mobilities and development in sparsely populated areas, Routledge 2016 : 108-127
Carson, Doris Anna; Carson, Dean Bradley
Tourism, mobilities and development in sparsely populated areas, Routledge 2016 : 1-12
Carson, Doris Anna; Carson, Dean Bradley; Lundmark, Linda
Geographical Journal, Wiley-Blackwell 2016, Vol. 182, (2) : 114-122
Robinson, Guy M.; Carson, Doris A.
Settlements at the Edge: Remote human settlements in developed nations, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing 2016 : 49-74
Saxinger, Gertrude; Petrov, Andrey; Krasnoshtanova, Natalia; et al.
Rural Society, Vol. 25, (2) : 134-153
Vuin, Ana; Carson, Doris Anna; Carson, Dean Bradley; et al.