I am a professor of nursing with a combined employment.
Areas of research:
GERDA - Gerontologic Regional Database, to investigate factors associated with, and threats to, successful ageing, partly via self-reported surveys (from 65 years of age) and partly via interviews during home visits (from 85 years and older). Silver-MOINCA, the aim is to find out how socioeconomic and cardiovascular factors in middle age (50-64 years) and cardiovascular incidents relate to active and healthy ageing among the very old people (≥ 80 years). Hip fracture among old adults. Is the surgical method important regarding pain and function after a non-displaced hip fracture? The doctoral project will compare pain and function in older adults depending on the surgical technique and describe the patient's experience of the rehabilitation process over time. We will investigate the relationship between hip fracture and depressive symptoms and risk factors for increased 36-month mortality among old adults, focusing on delirium, dementia, and depressive symptoms. Safety in perioperative care of patients undergoing arthroplasty – the operating room nurses’ perspectives. Safety in perioperative care of patients undergoing arthroplasty - operating room nurses' perspective. The overall aim of this project is to explore patient safety, including infection prevention, in perioperative care of patients undergoing arthroplasty according to operating room nurses’ perspectives.
Ortho-geriatric Home rehabilitation study, to evaluate if geriatric home rehabilitation may reduce hospitalization and re-admissions in old patients with hip fracture. MIDRED - Multidimensional InterDisciplinary REhabilitation program for people with Dementia, the overall objective of the study is to evaluate whether a person-centred multidimensional interdisciplinary rehabilitation program for community dwelling older people with dementia, including education and counselling to informal primary caregivers, increases the proportion of people with dementia still living at home after two and three years. Nu-DESC study, to study risk factors for delirium after cardiac surgery and, to study the complications of delirium, one and three years after cardiac surgery. Femoral nerve block study, to evaluate if femoral nerve blockade in patients with hip fracture may reduce the pre-and peroperative need for systemic analgesics and also the number of postoperative complications. Amp-study, to evaluate whether peripheral intermittent nerve block can reduce phantom pain in patients undergoing amputation of their lower leg compared with conventional analgesia with epidural. U-CHEC - Umeå Centre of Health Science. U-CHEC is a multidisciplinary academic centre within health research. Our ambition is to support high quality collaborative research which leads to transformation in equitable public health and care.
Orthopedic and geriatric nursing, acute state of confusion (delirium), quantitative method both on basic and advanced levels.