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Staff photo Annika Nordlund

Annika Nordlund

My research interest falls within the areas of environmental and social psychology, and is focused on motive and barriers behind environmental behavior. 

Research qualifications: Docent

Works at

Associate professor at Department of Psychology Role: Head of department
Hus Y, Beteendevetarhuset, Vindarnas torg, Mediagränd 14, B-120 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

My research interest lies in the areas of environmental and social psychology, and is about how and what psychological factors affect different types of environmental behavior, and also how different actions to change behavior are perceived and the outout of such. I am an associate professor, Docent, and Head of department at the Department of Psychology, and Research Director of Transport Research Unit (TRUM http://www.umu.se/trum/) at Umeå University. At TRUM, transport and travel behavior are mainly studied with a focus on smaller units, such as individuals, households and small companies.

Research areas:
• The impact of values, attitudes, environmental awareness and norms on; the willingness to act in a environmentally friendly manner, both general and specific behavioral areas, the willingness to support the introduction of structural solutions, the attitude to future forestry and forest management as well as alternative motives and barriers behind the choice to act environmentally.
• The travel mode choice as a routine decision. How habits of using different modes of transport can change through increased awareness in the decision-making situation and how the effect of increased awareness affects the relationships between attitudes, habits and behavior.

My TEDx Umeå talk is avilable here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJjHVTZSZ5Q

Journal of Environmental Psychology, Elsevier 2021, Vol. 75
van Valkengoed, Anne M.; Steg, Linda; Perlaviciute, Goda; et al.
Enlund, Desirée; Westin, Kerstin; Nordlund, Annika
Sustainability, MDPI 2020, Vol. 12, (9)
Westin, Kerstin; Nordlund, Annika; Jansson, Johan; et al.
Dagens Nyheter
Adman, Per; Bergquist, Ann-Kristin; Bonnedahl, Karl Johan; et al.
TRUM Rapport, December 2019
Jansson, Johan; Nilsson, Jonas; Nordlund, Annika; et al.
Cold climate HVAC 2018: sustainable buildings in cold climates, Switzerland: Springer Publishing Company 2019 : 791-801
Nair, Gireesh; Olofsson, Thomas; Nordlund, Annika; et al.
Journal of Ecotourism, Routledge 2019, Vol. 18, (3) : 221-242
Orru, Kati; Kask, Sergey; Nordlund, Annika
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Elsevier 2019, Vol. 119 : 313-325
Orru, Kati; Poom, Age; Nordlund, Annika
Environmental psychology: an introduction, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons 2019 : 217-227
Steg, Linda; Nordlund, Annika
7th European Communication Conference (ECC) "Centres and Peripheries: Communication, Research, Translation", Lugano, Switzerland, Oct 31 - Nov 3, 2018
Egan Sjölander, Annika; Nordlund, Annika; Fick, Jerker; et al.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Elsevier 2018, Vol. 117 : 205-213
Nordlund, Annika; Jansson, Johan; Westin, Kerstin
TRUM, 2018:1
Nordlund, Annika; Nair, Gireesh; Hudson, Christine; et al.
Travel Behaviour & Society, Elsevier 2018, Vol. 13 : 118-127
Westin, Kerstin; Jansson, Johan; Nordlund, Annika
TRUM-Rapport, 01
Granström, Robert; Hillman, Karl; Nordlund, Annika; et al.
Journal of Vocational Education and Training, Abingdon: Taylor & Francis 2017, Vol. 69, (4) : 617-636
Hauer, Esther; Nordlund, Annika; Westerberg, Kristina
Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 154 : 176-187
Jansson, Johan; Nordlund, Annika; Westin, Kerstin
Society & Natural Resources, Taylor & Francis 2017, Vol. 30, (2) : 160-176
Nordlund, Annika; Schenk, Tilman; Westin, Kerstin
Globalisation and change in forest ownership and forest use: natural resource management in transition, Ume: Palgrave Macmillan 2017 : 57-95
Westin, Kerstin; Eriksson, Louise; Gun, Lidestav; et al.
TRUM-rapport, 2016:1
Bern, Sofia; Jansson, Johan; Nordlund, Annika; et al.
Transport Research Arena TRA2016, Elsevier 2016 : 2527-2536
Nordlund, Annika; Jansson, Johan; Westin, Kerstin
TRUM-Rapport, 2015:01
Bern, Sofia; Haugen, Katarina; Jansson, Johan; et al.
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, Routledge 2015, Vol. 58, (8) : 1412-1431
Eriksson, Louise; Nordlund, Annika; Schenk, Tilman; et al.
Marketing in Transition: Scarcity, Globalism, & Sustainability: Proceedings of the 2009 World Marketing Congress, Springer Nature 2015 : 3-3
Jansson, Johan; Marell, Agneta; Nordlund, Annika
EMAC 2015: Collaboration in research, EMAC 2015 : 75-75
Jansson, Johan; Nordlund, Annika; Westin, Kerstin
CyberGeo: European Journal of Geography
Keskitalo, E. Carina H.; Nordlund, Annika; Lindgren, Urban
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, Elsevier 2013, Vol. 12, (4) : 481-489
Eriksson, Louise; Nordlund, Annika
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, Abingdon: Routledge 2013, Vol. 56, (6) : 850-867
Eriksson, Louise; Nordlund, Annika; Westin, Kerstin
Environmental policy and household behaviour: sustainability and everyday life, Taylor & Francis Group 2013 : 99-126
Nordlund, Annika; Eriksson, Louise; Garvill, Jörgen
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Elsevier 2013, Vol. 48 : 86-95
Nordlund, Annika; Westin, Kerstin
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, Vol. 11, (3) : 321-328
Eriksson, Louise; Nordlund, Annika; Olsson, Olof; et al.
Forests, Vol. 3, (4) : 923-943
Eriksson, Louise; Nordlund, Annika; Olsson, Olof; et al.
Journal of Workplace Learning, Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2012, Vol. 24, (1) : 19-33
Hauer, Esther; Nordlund, Annika; Westerberg, Kristina
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, Taylor & Francis Group 2012, Vol. 27, (5) : 438-448
Lindkvist, Anna; Mineur, Eva; Nordlund, Annika; et al.
Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, 9-13 April 2012, Los Angeles
Nordlund, Annika; Westin, Kerstin
Environmental psychology: an introduction, Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell 2012 : 186-195
Steg, Linda; Nordlund, Annika
TRUM-rapport, 2011:04
Bylin, Frida; Nordlund, Annika; Westin, Kerstin
Readings and cases in sustainable marketing: a strategic approach to social responsibility, Melbourne: Tilde University Press 2011 : 257-272
Jansson, Johan; Marell, Agneta; Nordlund, Annika
Journal of Consumer Behaviour, John Wiley & Sons 2011, Vol. 10, (1) : 51-60
Jansson, Johan; Marell, Agneta; Nordlund, Annika
Plan : tidskrift för planering av landsbygd och tätorter, Stockholms universitet 2011, (5-6) : 63-68
Nordlund, Annika; Olsson, Olof; Westin, Kerstin
9th Biennal Conference on Environmental Psychology, 26-28 September 2011, Eindhoven
Nordlund, Annika; Westin, Kerstin
COP 17 - Conference of Parties, 28 November - 9 December 2011, Durban, South Africa
Nordlund, Annika; Westin, Kerstin
Forests, Vol. 2, (1) : 30-50
Nordlund, Annika; Westin, Kerstin
Environmental polcy an household behaviour: sustaiainability and everyday life, London: Earthscan 2010 : 211-236
Eriksson, Louise; Nordlund, Annika; Garvill, Jörgen
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Elsevier Ltd 2010, Vol. 13 : 329-342
Eriksson, Louise; Nordlund, Annika; Garvill, Jörgen
Abstract of the 27 International Congress of Applied psychology
Hauer, Esther; Westerberg, Kristina; Nordlund, Annika
Journal of Consumer Marketing, Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010, Vol. 27, (4) : 358-370
Jansson, Johan; Marell, Agneta; Nordlund, Annika
Houshold behaviour: Sustainability and Everyday Life, London: Earthscan 2010 : 99-125
Nordlund, Annika; Eriksson, Louise; Garvill, Jörgen
World Congress of the International Union of Forests Research Organizations (IUFRO), Seoul, Republic of Korea, 23-28 August 2010
Nordlund, Annika; Westin, Kerstin
TRUM rapport, 2010:02
Nordlund, Annika; Westin, Kerstin; Östman, Vanja
In Proceedings of the 14th Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Biennial World Marketing Congress, July 21-25, Oslo, Norway
Jansson, Johan; Marell, Agneta; Nordlund, Annika

Research groups

Group member