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Staff photo Ann Céline Zimmermann

Ann Céline Zimmermann

 PhD studies: Light-matter interactions in nanoscale materials at femtosecond time scales



Works at

Doctoral student at Department of Physics Section: Ultrafast Nanoscience
Fysikhuset, plan 1, Linnaeus väg 24 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

I am a PhD student in the Ultrafast Nanoscience research group at Umeå University since 2025. The group is led by Nicolò Maccaferri. My research focusses on the physical mechanisms underlying light-matter interactions in nanoscale materials. Therefore, I am using time-resolved spectroscopy and finite element method to investigate how ultrashort light pulses interact with electrons on timescales below 100 fs.

I studied physics at the University of Konstanz in Germany and completed my Master’s degree in 2024, working on ultrafast electron microscopy in the research group of Prof. Dr. Peter Baum.

Research groups

Group member