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Staff photo André Graça

André Graça

I am a guest researcher affiliated to the Umeå Plant Science Center (UPSC) supporting structural biology research of Photosystem II.



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Affiliated as visiting researcher at Department of Plant Physiology Section: Umeå Plant Science Centre - UmU
Fysiologihuset, Byggnad L, Artedigränd 7, Fysiologisk botanik, UPSC Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

I completed my PhD at Umeå University in 2024, focusing on structural biology aspects of Photosystem II (PSII) using Cryo-Electron Microscopy (Cryo-EM).

In my previous research, I worked extensively with advanced confocal microscopy and fluorescence spectroscopy techniques, including STED-FCS, smFRET, and FLIM.

I am particularly passionate about evolution, innovations in spectroscopy and Cryo-EM, and improving how we process and analyze scientific data in an era of ever-growing datasets.

As a strong advocate for open science, I am eager to build new collaborations. Feel free to reach out—I’d be delighted to connect!

Journal of Structural Biology, Elsevier 2025, Vol. 217, (1)
Farci, Domenica; Graça, André T.; Hall, Michael; et al.
Physiologia Plantarum, Vol. 176, (4)
Graça, André T.; Lihavainen, Jenna; Hussein, Rana; et al.
Science, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) 2024, Vol. 384, (6702) : 1349-1355
Hussein, Rana; Graça, André T.; Forsman, Jack; et al.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, Elsevier 2023, Vol. 299, (1)
Farci, Domenica; Graça, André T.; Iesu, Luca; et al.
Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group 2021, Vol. 11, (1)
Graça, André T.; Hall, Michael; Persson, Karina; et al.
Graça, André T.; Hussein, Rana; Forsman, Jack; et al.
Graça, André T.; Lihavainen, Jenna; Hussein, Rana; et al.