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Showing 80-90 of 100 hits
IT Security Plan
Type Policy document
Security in the use of the University’s IT resources
Rule for crisis management
Type Policy document
This policy document defines Umeå University’s organisation and division of responsibility for crisis preparedness and crisis management.
Instructions for gases, flammable products and pressurised equipment
Type Policy document
These instructions specify how gases, flammable products and pressurised equipment must be handled.
Rule for purchasing radioactive sources
Type Policy document
This rule describes what is needed to comply with Swedish laws and the regulations from the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority when purchasing radioactive sources. This document also describes the...
Rules for premises
Type Policy document
This rule contains provisions for public order, safety and security on the University’s premises, for the renting or booking of premises, for placarding or posting of notices, and for digital...
Rules for IT resources at Umeå University
Type Policy document
This document describes the overall rules that apply to Umeå University IT resources as well as the responsibilities held by staff, students and other authorised persons when using them.
Administrative Procedures for Status as Affiliated Professor Emeritus/Emerita
Type Policy document
This Administrative Procedures describes the forms and processes of appointment, as well as the authorities, for person with status as Affiliated Professor Emeritus or Emerita at Umeå University
Rules for reporting secondary employment for teaching staff and employees covered by the Manager Agreement
Type Policy document
Secondary employment is an important part of teachers' interaction with society, but it should also be clear that these secondary employments must be properly managed. The general public should fee...
Salary policy
Type Policy document
Umeå University shall have a cohesive, joint salary policy for all the university’s employees – we are a single employer. The salary policy is part of Umeå University’s human resources policy and i...
Rules for business travel at Umeå University
Type Policy document
Rules for business travel at Umeå University specify the process for planning, ordering and paying for business trips. The rules also include information about insurance coverage for business trips...
Latest update: 2023-03-08