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Your query resulted in 100 hits

Showing 70-80 of 100 hits
Language Policy for Umeå University
Type Policy document
Language and communication are matters of quality and credibility in the operation of Umeå University. The purpose of the Language Policy is to increase awareness of the importance of language and...
Plan for EU funding 2022–2027
Type Policy document
Umeå University's vision of having a strong position, internationally, nationally and regionally, presupposes that the university is an actor to be reckoned with in the European arena and has a...
Open Access Policy for scientific publishing at Umeå University
Type Policy document
Umeå University promotes making all published research outputs free of all restrictions on access as far as possible. This according to the 2013 Berlin Declaration on Open Access signed by the...
Investment policy for foundations affiliated with Umeå University
Type Policy document
This policy describes how Umeå University will work with asset management of the University’s affiliated foundations. Hence, the policy will state the responsibility and follow-up of the...
Rules for financial management
Type Policy document
This document describes the main principles of financial management at Umeå University, as well as managers’ responsibility and authority in financial matters. They also detail what the...
Rules for business entertainment
Type Policy document
This policy document contains a summary of the rules that apply to business entertainment at Umeå University. The basic principle in Sweden’s tax legislation is that benefits provided by the employ...
Procedure for the withdrawal of resources from doctoral students at Umeå University
Type Policy document
This document regulates the administrative procedure for the withdrawal of supervision and other resources at Umeå University. It also describes the handling of appeals concerning a doctoral...
Procedures for documenting information in Ladok - third-cycle at Umeå University
Type Policy document
The procedures for documenting information in Ladok for third-cycle studies at Umeå University aim to create a uniform and functioning method for managing information about all of the University’s...
Property management plan
Type Policy document
The Umeå University property management plan describes the underlying conditions regarding the provision of premises and the projects and development efforts being prioritised throughout the period...
Code of rules and procedures for disposal of radioactive waste
Type Policy document
This document constitutes the code of rules and procedures regarding the disposal of radioactive waste at Umeå University.
Latest update: 2023-03-08