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Your query resulted in 107 hits

Showing 50-60 of 107 hits
Rules of procedure for Umeå University
Type Policy document
Umeå University’s rules of procedure establish and describe the University Board, the University’s overall organisation and decision structure and the responsibilities and tasks of the different...
Rules for departments, units, centres, schools, academies and institutes at Umeå University
Type Policy document
These rules are based on the Rules of procedure for Umeå University. The Rules of procedure establish and describe the basic organisational entities at the University – departments, units and centr...
Procedure – appeals
Type Policy document
This procedure concerns the regulations governing handling of appeals by Umeå University and is based on the Swedish Administrative Procedure Act (2017:900) and the provisions that follow from it....
Procedures for the Umeå University Medal of Merit
Type Policy document
Umeå University’s Medal of Merit is awarded every three years to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the University. The recipient of the medal can be a member of staff at the...
Instruction - Council for Research Infrastructure at Umeå University (RIS)
Type Policy document
The instruction for the Council for Research Infrastructure at Umeå University (henceforth also called “RIS”) specifies the council’s composition, responsibilities, and ways of working.
Rules for elections to Faculty Boards
Type Policy document
The following rules state the procedures for the election and appointment of members and deputy members, including the Dean and Deputy Dean, to the Faculty Boards for the period from 1 July 2021 to...
Regulation for Umeå University websites
Type Policy document
Regulation for Umeå University Websites describes what requirements Umeå University’s public websites must fulfil. A public website is a website that is searchable online. This regulation is aimed ...
Procedures - whistleblowing at Umeå University
Type Policy document
These procedures describe Umeå University’s whistleblower function. They outline the University’s reporting channels and how follow-up cases are to be processed by the authorised office.
Rule for retainment of electronic documents
Type Policy document
Under the current regulations, all government agencies must have a well-functioning information management system. These regulations describe the measures that Umeå University will take to ensure...
Retention and deletion plan – Conducting research
Type Policy document
The purpose of a retention and deletion plan is to guide and structure the authority’s archiving procedures. The plan is intended for everyone at the authority who manages official documents.
Latest update: 2023-03-08