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Your query resulted in 100 hits

Showing 40-50 of 100 hits
Radiation Protection Organisation at Umeå University
Type Policy document
This document describes the Radiation Protection Organization at Umeå University. It describes the division of responsibilities and labor regarding the radiation protection. This document is a part...
Rule for radiation protection
Type Policy document
This rule describes how local agencies at Umeå university must work to maintain, evaluate, and improve, the radiation protection at the local agency to comply with Swedish laws and regulations.
Rule - Vice Chancellor's decision-making and delegation procedure for Umeå University
Type Policy document
Delegation procedure refers to a list of matters for decision-making in which a delegation entails a decision being moved from a higher level to a lower level of the organisation. The delegation...
Procedures for support for students with disabilities
Type Policy document
The procedures describe the process for applying for and receiving a decision on support, the support measures available and the University’s internal distribution of responsibility for support and...
Procedures for donation acceptance
Type Policy document
This document outlines the division of responsibility and process in place for the University’s work with donations of financial assets.
Annual report
Type Policy document
The university submits an annual report to the government every year, which has been decided by the university board. The annual report presents and comments on the results of the activities.
Rule – scholarships
Type Policy document
This rule regulates scholarships instituted and disbursed by Umeå University. Umeå University can institute scholarships for education, postdoctoral qualifications and travel. Educational...
Procedures to support managers when handling victimisation, harassment or sexual harassment
Type Policy document
At Umeå University, managers with staff and work environment responsibilities must act without delay if they are informed of undesirable behaviour suspected to be victimisation, harassment or sexua...
Safety policy
Type Policy document
This policy describes the main focus with regard to safety work for Umeå University. The policy covers employees and organisational operations at the University, as well as service providers,...
Latest update: 2023-03-08