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Your query resulted in 100 hits

Showing 80-90 of 100 hits
Property management plan
Type Policy document
The Umeå University property management plan describes the underlying conditions regarding the provision of premises and the projects and development efforts being prioritised throughout the period...
Procedures for establishing, discontinuing, revise, changing the name of a third-cycle subject area or specialisation
Type Policy document
This procedure describes the process to establish, discontinue and change the name of a third-cycle subject area or specialisation at Umeå University. The purpose of the procedure is to contribute ...
Procurement and purchasing
Type Policy document
This rule sets out how procurement and purchasing at Umeå University is to be carried out based on the applicable acts, ordinances and directives, as well as the needs and objectives of the activit...
Salary policy
Type Policy document
Umeå University shall have a cohesive, joint salary policy for all the university’s employees – we are a single employer. The salary policy is part of Umeå University’s human resources policy and i...
Rules for IT resources at Umeå University
Type Policy document
This document describes the overall rules that apply to Umeå University IT resources as well as the responsibilities held by staff, students and other authorised persons when using them.
Code of rules and procedures for disposal of radioactive waste
Type Policy document
This document constitutes the code of rules and procedures regarding the disposal of radioactive waste at Umeå University.
Rule for crisis management
Type Policy document
This policy document defines Umeå University’s organisation and division of responsibility for crisis preparedness and crisis management.
Open Access Policy for scientific publishing at Umeå University
Type Policy document
Umeå University promotes making all published research outputs free of all restrictions on access as far as possible. This according to the 2013 Berlin Declaration on Open Access signed by the...
Rules for research infrastructures at Umeå university
Type Policy document
The aim of these rules is to ensure overall coordination of research infrastructures at Umeå University that are accessible to more users than an individual research group.
Rules for grades and examination
Type Policy document
This regulation aims to clarify and legally secure grading and examination at Umeå University. The document includes rules and procedures for examiners, grades, compulsory educational modules,...
Latest update: 2023-03-08